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K (RP6 Base)
Zeile 123: Zeile 123:
===RP6 Base===
===RP6 Base===
<pre>/* ****************************************************************************
*                          _______________________
*                          \| RP6  ROBOT SYSTEM |/
*                            \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/        >>> BASE CONTROLLER
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------ [c]2012 - Dirk ------------------------------------
* ****************************************************************************
* File: RP6BaseMorseLib.h
* Version: 3.3w
* Target: RP6 Base - ATMEGA32 @8.00MHz
* Author(s): Dirk
* ****************************************************************************
* Description:
* This is the RP6BaseMorse library header file.
* You have to include this file, if you want to use the library
* RP6BaseMorseLib.c in your own projects.
* ****************************************************************************
* ****************************************************************************
// Includes:
#include "RP6RobotBaseLib.h" // The RP6 Robot Base Library.
// Always needs to be included!
// Defines:
#define SPEED 100 // = 12 WpM = 60 CpM
// Calculate SPEED: SPEED = 1200 / WpM
//                  SPEED = 6000 / CpM
#define SPEED_MIN 400 // = 3 WpM = 15 CpM
#define SPEED_MAX 8 // = 150 WpM = 750 CpM
#define SPEED_VAR 5 // Decoder speed variation
#define LIMITED_PAUSE // Decoder: Spaces limited
#define SPACE_CNT_LIMIT 3 // Max. number of spaces
//#define DEBUG // Decoder debug mode
#define LINE_LENGTH 32 // Terminal line length
#define LIGHT // Use LED1 to show Morse sign
// Flash constants (Morse tables):
const uint16_t ms_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a0uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a1uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a2uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t a_ms_ft[256];
#define MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX 31 // Morse decoder buffer length
#define MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX 31 // Morse encoder buffer length
// Morse decoder/encoder status:
#define MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 1 // Morse buffer overflow
// Variables:
extern uint8_t morsedec_status;
extern uint8_t morseenc_status;
extern uint8_t morse_error;
char morsedec_buffer[MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 2];
uint8_t dec_write_pos, dec_read_pos;
char morseenc_buffer[MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 2];
uint8_t enc_write_pos, enc_read_pos;
uint16_t decspeed;
uint8_t speedvar;
uint16_t encspeed;
#ifdef DEBUG
uint16_t ditlength, dahlength;
// Functions:
uint8_t Lower2UpperCase(uint8_t);
uint8_t Upper2LowerCase(uint8_t);
uint16_t MsIndex2MorseCode(uint8_t);
uint8_t MorseCode2MsIndex(uint16_t);
void MorseCode2MsName(char *, uint16_t);
uint8_t MsName2MsIndex(char *);
void MorseCode2MorseSign(char *, uint16_t);
uint16_t MorseSign2MorseCode(char *);
void clearMorseDecBuffer(void);
void initMorseDecoder(void);
void storeMsChar2DecBuffer(uint8_t);
void task_MorseDec(void);
uint8_t readMorseChar(void);
uint8_t readMorseChars(char *, uint8_t);
uint8_t getMorseDecBufferLength(void);
void initMorseEncoder(void);
uint8_t fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer(void);
void task_MorseEnc(void);
void storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(uint8_t);
void pauseMorse(uint8_t);
void writeMorseChar(uint8_t);
void writeMorseString(char *);
uint8_t getMorseEncBufferLength(void);
#ifndef DEBUG
void writeMorse(void);
void writeDebugInfo(void);
* Additional info
* ****************************************************************************
* Changelog:
*  ---> changes are documented in the file "RP6BaseMorseLib.c"
* ****************************************************************************
// EOF
<pre>/* ****************************************************************************
*                          _______________________
*                          \| RP6  ROBOT SYSTEM |/
*                            \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/        >>> BASE CONTROLLER
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------ [c]2012 - Dirk ------------------------------------
* ****************************************************************************
* File: RP6BaseMorseLib.c
* Version: 3.3w
* Target: RP6 Base - ATMEGA32 @8.00MHz
* Author(s): Dirk
* ****************************************************************************
* Description:
* The RP6 Base Morse Library.
* ****************************************************************************
* ATTENTION: The 100us timer is used for the Morse decoder and encoder
*            task! Please do not alter the variable "timer" elsewhere in
*            your program!
* ****************************************************************************
* ****************************************************************************
// Includes:
#include "RP6BaseMorseLib.h"
// Defines:
// RP6 Base Morse Decoder Connection (input):
//#define MORSEDEC_IN SCL // PINC0  XBUS Pin 10
#define MORSEDEC_IN SDA // PINC1  XBUS Pin 12
//#define MORSEDEC_IN E_INT1 // PINA4  XBUS Pin 8
// RP6 Base Morse Encoder Connection (output):
//#define MORSEENC_IN SCL // PINC0  XBUS Pin 10
//#define MORSEENC_IN SDA // PINC1  XBUS Pin 12
#define MORSEENC_IN E_INT1 // PINA4  XBUS Pin 8
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Morse Table [0..79]:
// Morse decoders and encoders use this table for receiving or sending Morse
// code. This table consists of 16-bit constants. Each table index [0..79]
// (or each word constant) represents one Morse sign.
// The dots (dit) and the dashes (dah) are stored as two bits: The bits "01"
// stand for a dit and "11" for a dah, read from right to left in the binary
// notation. Between dits and dahs of a Morse sign you have to send a pause
// with the length of one dit. Between Morse signs there is a pause with the
// length of three dits (or one dah).
// Example:                    End <<<<7<<6<<5<<4<<3<<2<<1<<<< Start
//                                  ---DahDitDitDahDitDitDit
// 0x35D5 = 0b0011010111010101 -> 0b 00 11 01 01 11 01 01 01 -> $ (Dollar)
const uint16_t ms_ft[] PROGMEM =
// Signals (prosigns):
// Hex   Binary   Sign   Index  Prosign
{0x5555, // 0b0101010101010101 0 HH
0x0DD5, // 0b0000110111010101 SK
0x0377, // 0b0000001101110111 CT
0x3757, // 0b0011011101010111 BK
0x5D77, // 0b0101110101110111 CL
0xDF77, // 0b1101111101110111 5 CQ
0x0FD7, // 0b0000111111010111 DO
0x5FD5, // 0b0101111111010101 7 SOS
// Special characters:
// Hex   Binary   Sign   Index  Prosign
0x01DF, // 0b0000000111011111  ^G 8
0x00FF, // 0b0000000011111111  CH,^H
0x01FD, // 0b0000000111111101  ^J 10
0x15D5, // 0b0001010111010101  /S
0x01D5, // 0b0000000111010101  ^S VE
0x075F, // 0b0000011101011111  /Z
0x035F, // 0b0000001101011111  .Z
0x037D, // 0b0000001101111101  /A,°A 15
0x00DD, // 0b0000000011011101  Ä AA
0x0177, // 0b0000000101110111  C~
0x035D, // 0b0000001101011101  \E
0x0175, // 0b0000000101110101  /E
0x01F5, // 0b0000000111110101  Eth 20
0x03DF, // 0b0000001111011111  ~N
0x007F, // 0b0000000001111111  Ö
0x00F5, // 0b0000000011110101  Ü
0x017D, // 0b0000000101111101  Thorn
0x17D5, // 0b0001011111010101  ß 25
// Normal characters:
// Hex   Binary   Sign   Index  Prosign
0x0F77, // 0b0000111101110111  ! 26
0x075D, // 0b0000011101011101  "
0x35D5, // 0b0011010111010101  $
0x015D, // 0b0000000101011101  & AS
0x07FD, // 0b0000011111111101  ' 30
0x01F7, // 0b0000000111110111  ( KN
0x0DF7, // 0b0000110111110111  )
0x01DD, // 0b0000000111011101  + AR
0x0F5F, // 0b0000111101011111  ,
0x0D57, // 0b0000110101010111  - 35
0x0DDD, // 0b0000110111011101  .
0x01D7, // 0b0000000111010111  / NR
0x03FF, // 0b0000001111111111  0
0x03FD, // 0b0000001111111101  1
0x03F5, // 0b0000001111110101  2 40
0x03D5, // 0b0000001111010101  3
0x0355, // 0b0000001101010101  4
0x0155, // 0b0000000101010101  5
0x0157, // 0b0000000101010111  6
0x015F, // 0b0000000101011111  7 45
0x017F, // 0b0000000101111111  8
0x01FF, // 0b0000000111111111  9
0x057F, // 0b0000010101111111  :
0x0777, // 0b0000011101110111  ;
0x0357, // 0b0000001101010111  = 50 BT
0x05F5, // 0b0000010111110101  ? IMI
0x077D, // 0b0000011101111101  @
0x000D, // 0b0000000000001101  A
0x0057, // 0b0000000001010111  B DE
0x0077, // 0b0000000001110111  C 55
0x0017, // 0b0000000000010111  D
0x0001, // 0b0000000000000001  E
0x0075, // 0b0000000001110101  F
0x001F, // 0b0000000000011111  G
0x0055, // 0b0000000001010101  H 60
0x0005, // 0b0000000000000101  I
0x00FD, // 0b0000000011111101  J
0x0037, // 0b0000000000110111  K K
0x005D, // 0b0000000001011101  L
0x000F, // 0b0000000000001111  M 65
0x0007, // 0b0000000000000111  N
0x003F, // 0b0000000000111111  O
0x007D, // 0b0000000001111101  P
0x00DF, // 0b0000000011011111  Q
0x001D, // 0b0000000000011101  R 70 R
0x0015, // 0b0000000000010101  S
0x0003, // 0b0000000000000011  T
0x0035, // 0b0000000000110101  U
0x00D5, // 0b0000000011010101  V
0x003D, // 0b0000000000111101  W 75
0x00D7, // 0b0000000011010111  X
0x00F7, // 0b0000000011110111  Y
0x005F, // 0b0000000001011111  Z
0x0DF5};// 0b0000110111110101  _ 79
// Remarks: - SOS (Morse sign ...---...) can not be stored in a 16-bit
//            constant because SOS is the only Morse sign with 9 dits/dahs.
//            So SOS is stored as the (not existing) Morse sign ...---..
//            (SOI) and must be treated special in decoders/encoders. 
// Morse-ASCII-Table [0..79]:
// Morse decoders use this table for receiving Morse code.
const uint8_t ms_a0uc_ft[] PROGMEM =
//H  S  C  B    C  C  D  S
{104,115, 99, 98, 99, 99,100,115,
//0                    5
//^  C  ^  %    ^  %  *  /A  Ä  C~  \E  /E  Et  ~N  Ö  Ü  To  ß
  94, 99, 94, 37, 94, 37, 42,193,196,199,200,201,208,209,214,220,222,223,
//        10                  15                  20                  25
//!  "  $  &  '  (  )  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;
//            30            35              40            45
//=  ?  @  A  B  C  D  E    F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O    P  Q
61,63,64,65,66,67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
//50            55                  60                  65
// R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y    Z  _ 
  82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,95}; // Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79
const uint8_t ms_a1uc_ft[] PROGMEM =
//H  K  T  K    L  Q  O  O
//0                    5
//G  H  J  S    S  Z  Z
103,104,106,115,115,122,122, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//        10                  15                  20                  25
//            30            35              40            45
32,32,32,32,32,32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//50            55                  60                  65
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,32}; // Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79
const uint8_t ms_a2uc_ft[] PROGMEM =
//                            S
{ 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,115,
// 0                  5
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//        10                  15                  20                  25
//            30            35              40            45
32,32,32,32,32,32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//50            55                  60                  65
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,32}; // Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79
// Prosigns and special characters are stored as lower case letters (hh,
// sk, ^g, ch ...) in this table.
// Remarks: - The special chars  ^G, ^J, /S, ^S, /Z, .Z [indices 8, 10..14]
//            are represented as ^g, ^j, %s, ^s, %z, *z in this table.
//          - If Morse decoders receive a pause with the length of 7 dits,
//            they have to give out the ASCII code ' ' (space [32]).
// ASCII-Morse-Table [0..255]:
// Morse encoders use this table to send Morse code.
const uint8_t a_ms_ft[] PROGMEM =
//0              5              10              15            20
//24                30
//_  !  "  ?  $  ?  &  '  (  )  X  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
//32      35            40              45            50              55
//8  9  :  ;  ?  =  ?  ?  @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O
//56          60            65              70              75
//P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  ?  ]  ?  _  ?  A  B  C  D  E  F  G
//80            85            90              95            100
//H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  {  ?  }  ?  ?
//104              110            115            120            125
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
//128  130            135            140            145            150
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  _  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
//152    155            160            165            170            175
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  /A  ?  ?  Ä  ?  ?  C~
//176        180            185            190            195
//\E/E  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  Et ~N  ?  ?  ?  ?  Ö  X  ?  ?  ?  ?  Ü  ?  To ß
//200          205            210            215            220
//? /A  ?  ?  Ä  ?  ?  C~ \E /E  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  Et ~N  ?  ?  ?  ?  Ö  /
//224              230            235            240            245
//?  ?  ?  ?  Ü  ?  To ?
51,51,51,51,23,51,24,51}; // Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//248                255
// Remarks: - ASCII codes 91 '[' and 123 '{' are converted to Morse
//            code '(' [31].
//          - ASCII codes 93 ']' and 125 '}' are converted to Morse
//            code ')' [32].
//          - ASCII code 215 (multiplication sign) is converted to
//            Morse code 'X' [76].
//          - ASCII code 247 (division sign) is converted to Morse
//            code '/' [37].
//          - ASCII codes 32 (sp) and 160 (nbsp) are represented as
//            '_' [79] in this table but must be treated special in
//            encoders: The Morse encoder has to send a pause with
//            the length of 7 dits for a space.
//          - All non printable ASCII codes [0..31] and other codes
//            not defined in the Morse code are converted to Morse
//            code '?' [51].
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables:
uint8_t morsedec_status;
uint8_t morseenc_status;
uint8_t morse_error;
// Functions:
* Convert lower case to upper case letters
* Input:  ASCII code [0..255]
* Output: ASCII code, only with upper case letters
uint8_t Lower2UpperCase(uint8_t ch)
{uint8_t chuc;
chuc = ch;
if ((ch >= 97) && (ch <= 122)) {
chuc -= 32;
if ((ch >= 224) && (ch <= 254) && (ch != 247)) {
chuc -= 32;
return (chuc);
* Convert upper case to lower case letters
* Input:  ASCII code [0..255]
* Output: ASCII code, only with lower case letters
uint8_t Upper2LowerCase(uint8_t ch)
{uint8_t chlc;
chlc = ch;
if ((ch >= 65) && (ch <= 90)) {
chlc += 32;
if ((ch >= 192) && (ch <= 222) && (ch != 215)) {
chlc += 32;
return (chlc);
* Output the Morse code of a Morse table index
* Input:  Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
* Output: Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
uint16_t MsIndex2MorseCode(uint8_t msindex)
morse_error = false;
return (pgm_read_word(&ms_ft[msindex]));
* Output the table index of a Morse code
* Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
* Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
uint8_t MorseCode2MsIndex(uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t msidx;
for (msidx = 0; msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX; msidx++) {
if (morsecode == pgm_read_word(&ms_ft[msidx])) {break;}
morse_error = false;
return (msidx); // Morse table index
else {
morse_error = true; // Unknown Morse code:
return (51); //  Return table index of '?'
* Output the Morse sign name of a Morse code
* Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
* Output: String with Morse sign name (1..3 ASCII letters)
void MorseCode2MsName(char *msname, uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t msidx;
msidx = MorseCode2MsIndex(morsecode);
msname[0] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a0uc_ft[msidx]);
msname[1] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]);
if (msname[1] == 32) {msname[1] = '\0';}
msname[2] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]);
if (msname[2] == 32) {
msname[2] = '\0';
else {
msname[3] = '\0';
* Output the Morse table index of a Morse sign name
* Input:  String with Morse sign name (1..3 ASCII letters)
* Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
uint8_t MsName2MsIndex(char *msname)
{uint8_t msidx;
for (msidx = 0; msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX; msidx++) {
if (msname[0] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a0uc_ft[msidx])) {
if ((pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]) == 32)
|| (msname[1] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]))) {
if ((pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]) == 32)
|| (msname[2] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]))) {
morse_error = false;
return (msidx); // Morse table index
else {
morse_error = true; // Unknown Morse sign name:
return (51); //  Return table index of '?'
* Output the Morse sign of a Morse code
* Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
* Output: String with the Morse sign (1..9 dits [.] or dahs [-])
* Example: $  -> 0b0011010111010101  -> Morse sign ...-..-
void MorseCode2MorseSign(char *morsesign, uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t i; uint16_t ms_code;
ms_code = morsecode;
i = 0;
do {
switch (ms_code & 3) {
case 1 : // dit!
morsesign[i] = '.';
i++; break;
case 3 : // dah!
morsesign[i] = '-';
ms_code >>= 2;
} while (ms_code);
if (morsecode == 0x5FD5) { // SOS: Add last dit!
morsesign[i] = '.';
morsesign[i] = '\0';
morse_error = false;
* Output the Morse code of a Morse sign
* Input:  String with the Morse sign (1..9 dits [.] or dahs [-])
* Output: Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
* Example: $  -> Morse sign ...-..-  -> 0b0011010111010101
uint16_t MorseSign2MorseCode(char *morsesign)
{uint8_t i, ch; uint16_t ms_code;
ms_code = 0;
ch = 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
ms_code >>= 2;
if (ch) {
ch = morsesign[i];
switch (ch) {
case '.' : // dit!
ms_code |= 0x4000; break;
case '-' : // dah!
ms_code |= 0xC000;
if ((ms_code == 0x5FD5) && (morsesign[8] != '.')) {
ms_code = 0x05F5; // SOS: If last dit doesn't exist, return '?'!
morse_error = true;
else {
morse_error = false;
return (ms_code);
// Morse decoder functions:
* Clear the Morse decoder ring buffer
void clearMorseDecBuffer(void)
morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK; // Decoder buffer status ok
dec_write_pos = 255; // Reset buffer write position
dec_read_pos = 255; // Reset buffer read position
* Init Morse Decoder
* Call this once before using the Morse decoder (receiver) task!
void initMorseDecoder(void)
MORSEDEC_DDR &= ~MORSEDEC_IN; // Decoder input pin
morse_error = false; // Reset Morse error flag
clearMorseDecBuffer(); // Clear the decoder buffer
decspeed = SPEED; // Decoder speed
speedvar = SPEED_VAR; // Decoder speed variation
* Store a decoded (prosign) Morse sign char into the decoder ring buffer
* Input: ASCII char (part of a string with the (pro)sign name)
void storeMsChar2DecBuffer(uint8_t ch)
if (getMorseDecBufferLength() < MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
if (dec_write_pos > MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
dec_write_pos = 0;
morsedec_buffer[dec_write_pos] = ch;
morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK; // Decoder buffer status ok
else {
morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;// Decoder buffer overflow
* Morse decoder task
void task_MorseDec(void)
{uint16_t time_100usecs;
static char ms_sign[10]; uint8_t temp;
static uint16_t last_timer, signal, pause;
static uint8_t ditdah, ditdah_cnt;
char ms_name[4];
static uint8_t space_cnt;
time_100usecs = timer - last_timer;
last_timer += time_100usecs;
temp = MORSEDEC_PIN & MORSEDEC_IN; // Read Morse level
if (temp) { // Signal on
#ifdef LIGHT
statusLEDs.LED1 = true;
signal += time_100usecs;
if (pause > (decspeed * 20)) { // Pause > 2 dits:
if (ditdah) { //  Morse sign end (length 3 dits)
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
ditdah_cnt = 0;
ditdah = 0;
MorseCode2MsName(ms_name, MorseSign2MorseCode(ms_sign));
temp = 0;
while (ms_name[temp]) {
pause = 0;
if (pause) { // Short pause:
if (ditdah) { //  Dit or dah end (length 1 dit)
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
if (ditdah_cnt > 8) {ditdah_cnt = 0;}
ditdah = 0;
pause = 0;
else { // Signal off (pause)
#ifdef LIGHT
statusLEDs.LED1 = false;
pause += time_100usecs;
if (pause > (decspeed * 50)) { // Pause > 5 dits:
if (ditdah) { //  Space or longer pause
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
ditdah_cnt = 0;
ditdah = 0;
MorseCode2MsName(ms_name, MorseSign2MorseCode(ms_sign));
temp = 0;
while (ms_name[temp]) {
space_cnt = SPACE_CNT_LIMIT;
storeMsChar2DecBuffer(' '); // Add a space after a sign
pause = 0;
if (space_cnt) {
if (pause >= (decspeed * 70)) {// Pause >= 7 dits:
storeMsChar2DecBuffer(' '); // Add spaces while pause
pause -= (decspeed * 70);
else {
pause = 0;
if (signal > (decspeed * 20)) { // Signal > 2 dits:
#ifdef DEBUG
dahlength = signal;
ditdah = '-'; //  Dah (length 3 dits)!
if (signal >= (decspeed * 33)) {// Signal >= 3.3 dits (+10%):
decspeed += speedvar; //  Reduce decoder speed
if (decspeed > SPEED_MIN) {decspeed = SPEED_MIN;}
signal = 0;
if (signal) { // Short signal:
#ifdef DEBUG
ditlength = signal;
ditdah = '.'; //  Dit!
if (signal <= (decspeed * 9)) {// Signal <= 0.9 dits (-10%):
decspeed -= speedvar; //  Increase decoder speed
if (decspeed < SPEED_MAX) {decspeed = SPEED_MAX;}
signal = 0;
* Read next character from the Morse decoder ring buffer
* Output: Printable ASCII character [32..255] (as part of
*        a received/decoded (prosign) Morse sign name)
*        OR 0 (false), if the ring buffer is empty
uint8_t readMorseChar(void)
{uint8_t ch;
if (dec_read_pos != dec_write_pos) {
if (dec_read_pos > MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
dec_read_pos = 0;
ch = morsedec_buffer[dec_read_pos];
else {
ch = 0;
return (ch);
* Read next [numberOfChars] characters from the Morse decoder ring buffer
* Output: Number of characters copied to *buf,
*        string *buf with the copied characters
uint8_t readMorseChars(char *buf, uint8_t numberOfChars)
{uint8_t ch, i;
i = 0;
while (i < numberOfChars) {
ch = readMorseChar();
if (ch) {
buf[i] = ch;
else {break;}
buf[i] = '\0';
return (i);
* Get the number of characters still in the Morse decoder ring buffer
* Output: Number of characters (0: Buffer is empty!)
uint8_t getMorseDecBufferLength(void)
{int16_t dec_posdiff;
dec_posdiff = dec_write_pos - dec_read_pos;
if (dec_posdiff < 0) {
dec_posdiff += (MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 1);
return ((uint8_t) dec_posdiff);
// Morse encoder functions:
* Init Morse Encoder
* Call this once before using the Morse encoder (sender) task!
void initMorseEncoder(void)
MORSEENC_DDR |= MORSEENC_IN; // Encoder output pin
morse_error = false; // Reset Morse error flag
morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK; // Encoder buffer status ok
enc_write_pos = 255; // Reset buffer write pointer
enc_read_pos = 255; // Reset buffer read pointer
encspeed = SPEED; // Set encoder speed
* Fetch next Morse table index from the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX(..127)]
*        OR pause length [129..255] (pause 1..127 dits)
*        OR 128 (0x80), if the ring buffer is empty
uint8_t fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer(void)
{uint8_t msidx;
if (enc_read_pos != enc_write_pos) {
if (enc_read_pos > MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
enc_read_pos = 0;
msidx = morseenc_buffer[enc_read_pos];
else {
msidx = 0x80;
return (msidx);
* Morse encoder task
void task_MorseEnc(void)
{static uint8_t busy_flag, signal_flag, pause_flag, sos_flag, pause_dits;
static uint16_t last_timer, ms_code; uint8_t msidx;
if (busy_flag) { // Encoder busy!
if (signal_flag) { // Sending signal
if (!pause_flag) { // Waiting for signal end
if ((timer - last_timer)
>= (encspeed * 10 * (ms_code & 3))) {
#ifdef LIGHT
statusLEDs.LED1 = false;
last_timer = timer;
pause_flag = true;
ms_code >>= 2;
else { // Pause after a signal
if (ms_code) { // Dit/dah (signal) end:
if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 10)) {
signal_flag = false;//  Pause 1 dit
else { // Morse sign end:
if (sos_flag) { //  Case SOS:
ms_code = 0x0001; //  Add last dit
sos_flag = false;
else { //  Case sign end:
if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 30)) {
busy_flag = false;// Pause 3 dits
else { // Signal end
if (pause_dits) { // Make a longer pause
if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 10 * pause_dits)) {
busy_flag = false; // Longer pause end
else { // Start new signal (dit/dah)
#ifdef LIGHT
statusLEDs.LED1 = true;
last_timer = timer;
pause_flag = false;
signal_flag = true;
else { // Encoder not busy!
msidx = fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer();// Get next index to send
if (msidx == 0x80) { //  from the ring buffer
return; // Buffer empty: Return
else {
if (msidx < 0x80) { // Morse sign to send
ms_code = MsIndex2MorseCode(msidx);
if (ms_code == 0x5FD5) {
sos_flag = true; // Sign is SOS
else {
sos_flag = false;
pause_dits = 0;
else { // (msidx > 0x80): Longer pause
last_timer = timer;
pause_dits = msidx - 0x80;
signal_flag = false;
busy_flag = true; // Sign / longer pause can be sent
* Store a Morse table index into the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Input: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX(..127)]
*        OR pause length [129..255] (pause 1..127 dits)
void storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(uint8_t msindex)
if (getMorseEncBufferLength() < MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
if (enc_write_pos > MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
enc_write_pos = 0;
morseenc_buffer[enc_write_pos] = msindex;
morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK; // Encoder buffer status ok
else {
morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; // Encoder buffer overflow
* Write a pause length to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Input: Pause length [1..127 dits] (0.14..18.14 spaces)
* With this function you can reach longer pauses.
*  Examples:
*  pauseMorse(7);  is identical with  writeMorseChar(' ');
*  pauseMorse(14); is identical with  writeMorseString("  ");
* The function pauseMorse(len) only writes one byte into the encoder ring
* buffer for a longer pause, while writeMorseChar(' ') writes one byte for
* each space to send. You should use writeMorseChar(' ') for single spaces
* (between words) and pauseMorse(len) for longer pauses.
* ATTENTION: !-----------------------------------------------------------!
*            ! The max. pause length you can reach with this function is !
*            ! about 6 seconds! So the max. input value of this function !
*            ! depends on encspeed!!!                                    !
*            !-----------------------------------------------------------!
*            !  ==>  Max. pause length [dits] = 6000 / encspeed  <==    !
*            !-----------------------------------------------------------!
*            For encspeeds from 8 (SPEED_MAX) to 47 the max. pause length
*            is 127 dits. For encspeeds from 48 to 400 (SPEED_MIN) you
*            calculate the max. number of dits with the above formula.
*            At SPEED_MIN you may only pause for 15 (6000 / 400) dits!
void pauseMorse(uint8_t len)
if (len) {
storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(len | 0x80);
* Write a character to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Input: ASCII code [0..255]
void writeMorseChar(uint8_t ch)
{static uint8_t sign_flag, chidx; uint8_t msidx;
static char last_3ch[4];
switch (ch) {
case 32 : // Space  [ASCII code 32]
case 160 : // NbSpace [ASCII code 160]
if (sign_flag) { // Space directly after a sign
pauseMorse(4); //  (length 4 dits)
if (morseenc_status == MORSE_BUFFER_OK) {
sign_flag = false;
else { // Pause for all other spaces
pauseMorse(7); //  (length 7 dits)
default :
last_3ch[chidx] = ch; last_3ch[chidx + 1] = '\0';
msidx = MsName2MsIndex(last_3ch);// Name in Morse table?
if (morse_error) {
if (chidx > 2) {chidx = 0;}
if (morseenc_status == MORSE_BUFFER_OK) {
sign_flag = true;
chidx = 0;
* Write a string to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Input: String with ASCII text
void writeMorseString(char *str)
while (*str) {
* Get the number of indices still in the Morse encoder ring buffer
* Output: Number of indices (0: Buffer is empty!)
uint8_t getMorseEncBufferLength(void)
{int16_t enc_posdiff;
enc_posdiff = enc_write_pos - enc_read_pos;
if (enc_posdiff < 0) {
enc_posdiff += (MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 1);
return ((uint8_t) enc_posdiff);
// Useful UART functions:
#ifndef DEBUG
* Send received Morse signs to the serial interface as ASCII text
void writeMorse(void)
{static uint8_t pos; uint8_t ch;
ch = readMorseChar();
if (ch) {
if (pos >= LINE_LENGTH) {
pos = 0;
* Send decoder debug information to the serial interface
* Format: .0000 -0000 S000 D000  A:[X] B000
*  .    -> Dit length [0.1ms]
*  -    -> Dah length [0.1ms]
*  S    -> Decoder speed (should be (dit length / 10)!) [ms]
*  D    -> Deviation (decoder speed - (dit length / 10)) [ms]
*  A    -> The last received ASCII char
*  B    -> Decoder buffer length (chars still in the buffer)
void writeDebugInfo(void)
{uint8_t ch;
ch = readMorseChar();
if (ch) {
writeIntegerLength(ditlength, DEC, 4);
writeString_P(" -");
writeIntegerLength(dahlength, DEC, 4);
writeString_P(" S");
writeIntegerLength(decspeed, DEC, 3);
writeString_P(" D");
writeIntegerLength((decspeed - (ditlength / 10)), DEC, 3);
writeString_P("  A:[");
writeString_P("] B");
writeIntegerLength(getMorseDecBufferLength(), DEC, 3);
* Additional info
* ****************************************************************************
* Changelog:
* - v. 3.3w 2012 by Dirk
* ****************************************************************************
// EOF
===RP6 CONTROL M32===
===RP6 CONTROL M32===

Version vom 16. März 2012, 22:34 Uhr


In diesem Artikel geht es um die Programmierung des RP6 und seiner Erweiterungsplatinen RP6 CONTROL M32 und RP6 CCPRO M128 am konkreten Beispiel eines Morse-Decoders (Empfänger), eines Morse-Encoders (Sender) und einer Morse-Station (Transceiver).

Zu den Grundlagen des RP6 gibt es eine eigene Seite: RP6. Ebenso zur Programmierung des RP6 im Allgemeinen: RP6 - Programmierung


Nachdem Samuel Morse 1833 den ersten brauchbaren elektromagnetischen Schreibtelegrafen gebaut hatte, fand der erste Testbetrieb 1837 statt. Der verwendete Code umfasste damals nur die zehn Ziffern; die übertragenen Zahlen mussten mit Hilfe einer Tabelle in Buchstaben und Wörter übersetzt werden. Alfred Lewis Vail, ein Mitarbeiter Morses, entwickelte ab 1838 den ersten Code, der auch Buchstaben umfasste. Er bestand aus Zeichen von drei verschiedenen Längen und unterschiedlich langen Pausen. Dieser Code wurde ab 1844 betrieblich eingesetzt (als Morse Landline Code oder American Morse Code bei amerikanischen Eisenbahnen und den Telegrafenunternehmen bis in die 1960er Jahre). Die unterschiedlich langen Pausen stellten eine Unzulänglichkeit des Codes dar, so dass Friedrich Clemens Gerke ihn 1848 zur Inbetriebnahme der elektromagnetischen Telegrafenverbindung zwischen Hamburg und Cuxhaven umschrieb. Dieser Code wurde nach einigen weiteren kleinen Änderungen 1865 auf dem Internationalen Telegraphenkongress in Paris standardisiert und später mit der Einführung der drahtlosen Telegrafie als Internationaler Morsecode von der Internationalen Fernmeldeunion (ITU) genormt. Im Mai 2004 wurde der Morse Code ein zweites Mal anläßlich des 160-jährigen Bestehens der ITU ergänzt, in dem das @ (. - - . - .) offiziell hinzugefügt wurde. Die erste Änderung war ca. 1960 mit der Unterscheidung zwischen Klammer-auf (- . - - .) und Klammer-zu (- . - - . -) erfolgt. Der Morse Code hat in den letzten 10 Jahren immer mehr an Bedeutung verloren. Im Amateurfunk und zu Unterrichtszwecken wird er jedoch noch eingesetzt, auch weiterhin als (Buchstaben-) Kennung von Funknavigationsanlagen (Leuchttürme, Funkfeuer, Radarantwortbaken ...) und bei der Steuerung von Computern durch Menschen mit körperlichen Behinderungen. (Quelle: Wikipedia)


Der Morse-Code verwendet drei Symbole, die Punkt (.), Strich (-) und Pause ( ) genannt werden.

  • Ein Strich (Dah) ist dreimal so lang wie ein Punkt (Dit).
  • Die Pause zwischen 2 Symbolen ist ein Dit lang.
  • Zwischen den Buchstaben eines Worts gilt eine Pause von einer Dah-Länge (= 3 Dits).
  • Die Pause zwischen Wörtern beträgt 7 Dits.

Die Übertragungsrate beim Morsen wird in Buchstaben pro Minute (BpM) oder in Wörtern pro Minute (WpM) gemessen, wobei ein Wort 5 Buchstaben entspricht. Als Referenz für die Geschwindigkeitsmessung wurde das Wort „PARIS“ ausgewählt. Gibt ein Funker dieses Wort mit seinen 5 Buchstaben 12-mal pro Minute, so beträgt die Morse-Geschwindigkeit 60 BpM. Das Wort „PARIS“ besteht aus 50 Dits (d.h. Punkt- plus Strich- plus Pausenlängen). Ein WpM sind 50 Dits pro Minute.

WpM BpM Punktlänge [ms] Strichlänge [ms]
1 5 1200 3600
5 25 240 720
10 50 120 360
20 100 60 180
50 250 24 72
100 500 12 36
150 750 8 24

Anfänger leisten bis zu 5 WpM, die Prüfgeschwindigkeit für Funkamateure liegt bei 12 WpM. Sehr gute Funker schaffen 50 WpM. Weltrekorde: Mehr als 75 WpM!


Das hier aufgeführte Morse-Alphabet umfasst die englischen Buchstaben und die nicht-englischen Ergänzungen zum Morse-Alphabet. Darüber hinaus gibt es Morse-Codes in vielen Sprachen, die nicht lateinische Buchstaben verwenden: Griechisch, Kyrillisch, Hebräisch, Arabisch, Persisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch, Koreanisch …

RP6 Morse-Tabelle


Mit den "Morse-Bäumen" kann man den Morse-Code lernen oder sehr langsam gesendete Morse-Zeichen direkt decodieren. Im Morse-Baum steht ein Kreis für einen Punkt und ein Rechteck mit abgerundeten Kanten für einen Strich. Beginnt das empfangene Morse-Zeichen mit einem Punkt, folgt man im Morse-Baum "E" den Pfeilen abhängig von den folgenden Punkten/Strichen bis zum Ende des Zeichens. Dort kann man dann das decodierte Zeichen ablesen. Genauso verfährt man im Morse-Baum "T" mit Morse-Zeichen, die mit einem Strich beginnen.

RP6 Morse-Baum E RP6 Morse-Baum T


Das Empfangen und Senden von Morse-Zeichen ist für einen uC (Microcontroller) eigentlich kein Problem. Die drei Plattformen (Base, M32, M128) des RP6-Systems haben den Vorteil, dass sie aus drei unabhängigen uCs bestehen, die man zum Testen einer Datenübertragung gut benutzen kann. Dazu brauchen die M32 und M128 nur auf dem RP6 montiert zu sein. Als Verbindungen, über die die Morse-Zeichen gesendet werden, kann man die I/O-Pins benutzen, durch die die drei uCs über den XBUS schon verbunden sind (SCL, SDA, EINT1).

Natürlich kann man auch eine "echte" drahtgebundene Morse-Verbindung erreichen, indem man eine der Zusatzplatinen stand-alone betreibt und durch ein Kabel z.B. mit der Base verbindet.

Am reizvollsten ist aber eine Funkverbindung: Der HF-Sender wird z.B. mit einem Ton moduliert, wenn der Ausgangs-Pin des steuernden uCs Highpegel führt. Im HF-Empfänger wird der Eingangs-Pin des decodierenden uCs immer dann auf High-Pegel gezogen, wenn der aufmodulierte Ton empfangen wird. Das ist mit dem RP6-System und etwas Zusatz-Hardware auch für einen Nicht-Funkamateur relativ einfach machbar. Auch die im Radio z.T. noch empfangbaren Morse-Zeichen lassen sich mit einem uC decodieren. Dazu braucht man ebenfalls eine kleine Zusatz-Schaltung.


Auf allen drei Plattformen (Base, M32, M128) soll ein Morse-Sender und -Empfänger realisiert werden. Beide Funktionen sollen auch parallel nutzbar sein. Auf der RP6 Base und M32 sollen die Funktionen im üblichen Task-System der RP6 Library umgesetzt werden, damit gleichzeitig auch noch weitere Aufgaben ausgeführt werden können. Auf der CCPRO M128 soll der Morse-Sender und -Empfänger in einer 1ms-Interruptroutine parallel zum Hauptprogramm ablaufen.

Auf der M32 und M128 werden die als Morse-Code empfangenen Zeichen auf dem LC-Display dargestellt, auf der Base am Terminal. Als Morse-Code zu sendende Zeichen können an allen Plattformen am Terminal als Text eingegeben werden. Denkbar ist auch, Morse-Zeichen direkt, z.B. mit einer Morse-Taste oder alternativ sogar mit den Bumpern des RP6 einzugeben, sie zu decodieren und anzuzeigen. Viele Möglichkeiten ...

Speicherung der Morse-Zeichen

Auf einem uC ist der Speicherplatz begrenzt, daher ist es wichtig, die Morse-Zeichen möglichst kompakt zu speichern. Da sie sich im Programmablauf nicht ändern, kann man sie auch im EEPROM oder Flash-Speicher ablegen. Ich habe mich für die letzte Option entschieden.

Wie kann man die Dits (Punkte) und Dahs (Striche) am besten speichern? Das längste Morse-Zeichen ...---... (SOS) hat 9 Dits/Dahs. Es ist auch das einzige so lange Zeichen,- alle anderen kommen mit 8 Dits/Dahs hin. Wenn ich SOS nicht berücksichtige, könnte ich die Morse-Zeichen in einem Byte so speichern, dass z.B. ein 0-Bit einem Dit und ein 1-Bit einem Dah entspricht. Das Problem dieser Lösung ist, dass man nicht erkennen kann, wo ein Morse-Zeichen zuende ist. Man müßte also mit mindestens 3 weiteren Bits die Länge des Morse-Zeichens festhalten. Dann bin ich bei einem Platzbedarf pro Morse-Zeichen von 11 Bit,- bei voller Speicherung auch der Ausnahme SOS bei 13 Bit.

Überschaubarer ist es, wenn ich eine 16-Bit Konstante für jedes Morse-Zeichen verwende. Daher lege ich mich auf folgendes Verfahren fest: Ich verwende jeweils 2 Bits für jedes Dit/Dah. Dabei steht die Bitfolge "01" für ein Dit und "11" für ein Dah. Die Bitfolge "00" wird als Ende des Morse-Zeichens gedeutet. Damit kann ich alle Morse-Zeichen einfach speichern,- allerdings nun wieder ohne SOS. Das ist aber kein Problem, weil das nicht existierende Morse-Zeichen ...---.. (SOI) anstelle von SOS gespeichert werden kann. Der Encoder oder Decoder erkennt dies und macht daraus dann wieder SOS.

Beispiel: Der Buchstabe "B" sieht als Morse-Zeichen so -... (Dah-Dit-Dit-Dit) aus. Als 16-Bit Konstante würde ich das "B" dann binär als 0b0000000001010111 speichern. Das entspricht der Hexadezimalzahl 0x0057 oder dezimal 87.

Ein weiteres Beispiel: Das Ausrufezeichen (!) sieht als (nicht ITU-konformes) Morse-Zeichen so -.-.-- (Dah-Dit-Dah-Dit-Dah-Dah) aus. Als 16-Bit Konstante würde ich das "!" dann binär als 0b0000111101110111 speichern. Das entspricht der Hexadezimalzahl 0x0F77 oder dezimal 3959.

Zusätzlich zu dieser Liste der Morse-Zeichen brauche ich für den Morse-Sender noch eine weitere Liste der ASCII-Zeichen mit ihrer Zuordnung zu den Morse-Zeichen. Für Signale wird optional eine weitere Liste benötigt.

Decodierung der Morse-Zeichen


Encodierung der Morse-Zeichen


RP6 Base


/* ****************************************************************************
 *                           _______________________
 *                           \| RP6  ROBOT SYSTEM |/
 *                            \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/         >>> BASE CONTROLLER
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ------------------------ [c]2012 - Dirk ------------------------------------
 * ****************************************************************************
 * File: RP6BaseMorseLib.h
 * Version: 3.3w
 * Target: RP6 Base - ATMEGA32 @8.00MHz
 * Author(s): Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Description:
 * This is the RP6BaseMorse library header file.
 * You have to include this file, if you want to use the library
 * RP6BaseMorseLib.c in your own projects.
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ****************************************************************************


// Includes:

#include "RP6RobotBaseLib.h" 	// The RP6 Robot Base Library.
								// Always needs to be included!

// Defines:

#define SPEED						100		// = 12 WpM = 60 CpM
// Calculate SPEED: SPEED = 1200 / WpM
//                  SPEED = 6000 / CpM
#define SPEED_MIN					400		// = 3 WpM = 15 CpM
#define SPEED_MAX					8		// = 150 WpM = 750 CpM
#define SPEED_VAR					5		// Decoder speed variation

#define LIMITED_PAUSE						// Decoder: Spaces limited
#define SPACE_CNT_LIMIT				3		// Max. number of spaces

//#define DEBUG								// Decoder debug mode

#define LINE_LENGTH					32		// Terminal line length

#define LIGHT								// Use LED1 to show Morse sign 


// Flash constants (Morse tables):
const uint16_t ms_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a0uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a1uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t ms_a2uc_ft[MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX + 1];
const uint8_t a_ms_ft[256];

#define MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX	31		// Morse decoder buffer length
#define MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX	31		// Morse encoder buffer length

// Morse decoder/encoder status:
#define MORSE_BUFFER_OK				0
#define MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW		1		// Morse buffer overflow

// Variables:

extern uint8_t morsedec_status;
extern uint8_t morseenc_status;
extern uint8_t morse_error;

char morsedec_buffer[MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 2];
uint8_t dec_write_pos, dec_read_pos;
char morseenc_buffer[MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 2];
uint8_t enc_write_pos, enc_read_pos;

uint16_t decspeed;
uint8_t speedvar;

uint16_t encspeed;

#ifdef DEBUG
uint16_t ditlength, dahlength;

// Functions:

uint8_t Lower2UpperCase(uint8_t);
uint8_t Upper2LowerCase(uint8_t);

uint16_t MsIndex2MorseCode(uint8_t);
uint8_t MorseCode2MsIndex(uint16_t);
void MorseCode2MsName(char *, uint16_t);
uint8_t MsName2MsIndex(char *);

void MorseCode2MorseSign(char *, uint16_t);
uint16_t MorseSign2MorseCode(char *);

void clearMorseDecBuffer(void);
void initMorseDecoder(void);
void storeMsChar2DecBuffer(uint8_t);
void task_MorseDec(void);
uint8_t readMorseChar(void);
uint8_t readMorseChars(char *, uint8_t);
uint8_t getMorseDecBufferLength(void);

void initMorseEncoder(void);
uint8_t fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer(void);
void task_MorseEnc(void);
void storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(uint8_t);
void pauseMorse(uint8_t);
void writeMorseChar(uint8_t);
void writeMorseString(char *);
uint8_t getMorseEncBufferLength(void);

#ifndef DEBUG
void writeMorse(void);
void writeDebugInfo(void);


 * Additional info
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Changelog:
 *  ---> changes are documented in the file "RP6BaseMorseLib.c"
 * ****************************************************************************

// EOF


/* ****************************************************************************
 *                           _______________________
 *                           \| RP6  ROBOT SYSTEM |/
 *                            \_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_/         >>> BASE CONTROLLER
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * ------------------------ [c]2012 - Dirk ------------------------------------
 * ****************************************************************************
 * File: RP6BaseMorseLib.c
 * Version: 3.3w
 * Target: RP6 Base - ATMEGA32 @8.00MHz
 * Author(s): Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Description:
 * The RP6 Base Morse Library.
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ATTENTION: The 100us timer is used for the Morse decoder and encoder
 *            task! Please do not alter the variable "timer" elsewhere in
 *            your program!
 * ****************************************************************************
 * ****************************************************************************
// Includes:

#include "RP6BaseMorseLib.h"

// Defines:

// RP6 Base Morse Decoder Connection (input):
//#define MORSEDEC_IN		SCL					// PINC0  XBUS Pin 10
#define MORSEDEC_IN		SDA					// PINC1  XBUS Pin 12

//#define MORSEDEC_IN		E_INT1				// PINA4  XBUS Pin 8

// RP6 Base Morse Encoder Connection (output):
//#define MORSEENC_IN		SCL					// PINC0  XBUS Pin 10
//#define MORSEENC_IN		SDA					// PINC1  XBUS Pin 12

#define MORSEENC_IN		E_INT1				// PINA4  XBUS Pin 8

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Morse Table [0..79]:
// Morse decoders and encoders use this table for receiving or sending Morse
// code. This table consists of 16-bit constants. Each table index [0..79]
// (or each word constant) represents one Morse sign.
// The dots (dit) and the dashes (dah) are stored as two bits: The bits "01"
// stand for a dit and "11" for a dah, read from right to left in the binary
// notation. Between dits and dahs of a Morse sign you have to send a pause
// with the length of one dit. Between Morse signs there is a pause with the
// length of three dits (or one dah).
// Example:                     End <<<<7<<6<<5<<4<<3<<2<<1<<<< Start
//                                  ---DahDitDitDahDitDitDit
// 0x35D5 = 0b0011010111010101 -> 0b 00 11 01 01 11 01 01 01 -> $ (Dollar)
const uint16_t ms_ft[] PROGMEM =
// Signals (prosigns):
// Hex		  Binary		   Sign	   Index  Prosign
{0x5555, // 0b0101010101010101			 0		HH
 0x0DD5, // 0b0000110111010101					SK
 0x0377, // 0b0000001101110111					CT
 0x3757, // 0b0011011101010111					BK
 0x5D77, // 0b0101110101110111					CL
 0xDF77, // 0b1101111101110111			 5		CQ
 0x0FD7, // 0b0000111111010111					DO
 0x5FD5, // 0b0101111111010101			 7		SOS
// Special characters:
// Hex		  Binary		   Sign	   Index  Prosign
 0x01DF, // 0b0000000111011111  ^G		 8
 0x00FF, // 0b0000000011111111  CH,^H
 0x01FD, // 0b0000000111111101  ^J		10
 0x15D5, // 0b0001010111010101  /S
 0x01D5, // 0b0000000111010101  ^S				VE
 0x075F, // 0b0000011101011111  /Z
 0x035F, // 0b0000001101011111  .Z
 0x037D, // 0b0000001101111101  /A,°A	15
 0x00DD, // 0b0000000011011101  Ä				AA
 0x0177, // 0b0000000101110111  C~
 0x035D, // 0b0000001101011101  \E
 0x0175, // 0b0000000101110101  /E
 0x01F5, // 0b0000000111110101  Eth		20
 0x03DF, // 0b0000001111011111  ~N
 0x007F, // 0b0000000001111111  Ö
 0x00F5, // 0b0000000011110101  Ü
 0x017D, // 0b0000000101111101  Thorn
 0x17D5, // 0b0001011111010101  ß		25
// Normal characters:
// Hex		  Binary		   Sign	   Index  Prosign
 0x0F77, // 0b0000111101110111  !		26
 0x075D, // 0b0000011101011101  "
 0x35D5, // 0b0011010111010101  $
 0x015D, // 0b0000000101011101  &				AS
 0x07FD, // 0b0000011111111101  '		30
 0x01F7, // 0b0000000111110111  (				KN
 0x0DF7, // 0b0000110111110111  )
 0x01DD, // 0b0000000111011101  +				AR
 0x0F5F, // 0b0000111101011111  ,
 0x0D57, // 0b0000110101010111  -		35
 0x0DDD, // 0b0000110111011101  .
 0x01D7, // 0b0000000111010111  /				NR
 0x03FF, // 0b0000001111111111  0
 0x03FD, // 0b0000001111111101  1
 0x03F5, // 0b0000001111110101  2		40
 0x03D5, // 0b0000001111010101  3
 0x0355, // 0b0000001101010101  4
 0x0155, // 0b0000000101010101  5
 0x0157, // 0b0000000101010111  6
 0x015F, // 0b0000000101011111  7		45
 0x017F, // 0b0000000101111111  8
 0x01FF, // 0b0000000111111111  9
 0x057F, // 0b0000010101111111  :
 0x0777, // 0b0000011101110111  ;
 0x0357, // 0b0000001101010111  =		50		BT
 0x05F5, // 0b0000010111110101  ?				IMI
 0x077D, // 0b0000011101111101  @
 0x000D, // 0b0000000000001101  A
 0x0057, // 0b0000000001010111  B				DE
 0x0077, // 0b0000000001110111  C		55
 0x0017, // 0b0000000000010111  D
 0x0001, // 0b0000000000000001  E
 0x0075, // 0b0000000001110101  F
 0x001F, // 0b0000000000011111  G
 0x0055, // 0b0000000001010101  H		60
 0x0005, // 0b0000000000000101  I
 0x00FD, // 0b0000000011111101  J
 0x0037, // 0b0000000000110111  K				K
 0x005D, // 0b0000000001011101  L
 0x000F, // 0b0000000000001111  M		65
 0x0007, // 0b0000000000000111  N
 0x003F, // 0b0000000000111111  O
 0x007D, // 0b0000000001111101  P
 0x00DF, // 0b0000000011011111  Q
 0x001D, // 0b0000000000011101  R		70		R
 0x0015, // 0b0000000000010101  S
 0x0003, // 0b0000000000000011  T
 0x0035, // 0b0000000000110101  U
 0x00D5, // 0b0000000011010101  V
 0x003D, // 0b0000000000111101  W		75
 0x00D7, // 0b0000000011010111  X
 0x00F7, // 0b0000000011110111  Y
 0x005F, // 0b0000000001011111  Z
 0x0DF5};// 0b0000110111110101  _		79
// Remarks: - SOS (Morse sign ...---...) can not be stored in a 16-bit
//            constant because SOS is the only Morse sign with 9 dits/dahs.
//            So SOS is stored as the (not existing) Morse sign ...---..
//            (SOI) and must be treated special in decoders/encoders.  

// Morse-ASCII-Table [0..79]:
// Morse decoders use this table for receiving Morse code.
const uint8_t ms_a0uc_ft[] PROGMEM = 
//H   S   C   B    C   C   D   S
{104,115, 99, 98, 99, 99,100,115,
//0                    5
//^   C   ^   %    ^   %   *   /A  Ä   C~  \E  /E  Et  ~N   Ö   Ü  To   ß
  94, 99, 94, 37, 94, 37, 42,193,196,199,200,201,208,209,214,220,222,223,
//        10                   15                  20                   25
//!  "  $  &  '  (  )   +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  2   3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;
//            30             35              40             45
//=  ?  @  A  B  C   D   E    F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O    P   Q
 61,63,64,65,66,67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
//50            55                   60                   65
// R  S   T   U   V   W   X   Y    Z   _  
  82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,95};		// Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79

const uint8_t ms_a1uc_ft[] PROGMEM = 
//H   K   T   K    L   Q   O   O
//0                    5
//G   H   J   S    S   Z   Z
 103,104,106,115,115,122,122, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//        10                   15                  20                   25
//            30             35              40             45
 32,32,32,32,32,32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//50            55                   60                   65
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,32};		// Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79

const uint8_t ms_a2uc_ft[] PROGMEM = 
//                             S
{ 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,115,
// 0                   5
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//        10                   15                  20                   25
//            30             35              40             45
 32,32,32,32,32,32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
//50            55                   60                   65
  32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,32};		// Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//70                  75              79
// Prosigns and special characters are stored as lower case letters (hh,
// sk, ^g, ch ...) in this table.
// Remarks: - The special chars  ^G, ^J, /S, ^S, /Z, .Z [indices 8, 10..14]
//            are represented as ^g, ^j, %s, ^s, %z, *z in this table.
//          - If Morse decoders receive a pause with the length of 7 dits,
//            they have to give out the ASCII code ' ' (space [32]).

// ASCII-Morse-Table [0..255]:
// Morse encoders use this table to send Morse code.
const uint8_t a_ms_ft[] PROGMEM =
//0              5              10              15             20
//24                30
//_  !  "  ?  $  ?  &  '  (  )   X  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1   2  3  4  5  6  7
//32       35             40              45             50              55
//8  9  :  ;  ?  =  ?  ?   @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H   I  J  K  L  M  N  O
//56          60             65              70              75
//P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X   Y  Z  [  ?  ]  ?  _   ?  A  B  C  D  E  F  G
//80             85             90              95             100
//H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O   P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W   X  Y  Z  {  ?  }  ?  ?
//104              110             115            120             125
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
//128  130            135             140            145             150
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   _  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
//152     155            160             165             170            175
//?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  /A  ?  ?  Ä  ?  ?  C~
//176        180             185            190             195
//\E/E  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  Et ~N  ?  ?  ?  ?  Ö  X   ?  ?  ?  ?  Ü  ?  To ß
//200           205             210            215             220
//? /A  ?  ?  Ä  ?  ?  C~ \E /E  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  Et ~N  ?  ?  ?  ?  Ö  /
//224              230             235            240             245
//?  ?  ?  ?  Ü  ?  To ?
 51,51,51,51,23,51,24,51};					// Et = Eth,  To = Thorn
//248                 255
// Remarks: - ASCII codes 91 '[' and 123 '{' are converted to Morse
//            code '(' [31].
//          - ASCII codes 93 ']' and 125 '}' are converted to Morse
//            code ')' [32].
//          - ASCII code 215 (multiplication sign) is converted to
//            Morse code 'X' [76].
//          - ASCII code 247 (division sign) is converted to Morse
//            code '/' [37].
//          - ASCII codes 32 (sp) and 160 (nbsp) are represented as
//            '_' [79] in this table but must be treated special in
//            encoders: The Morse encoder has to send a pause with
//            the length of 7 dits for a space.
//          - All non printable ASCII codes [0..31] and other codes
//            not defined in the Morse code are converted to Morse
//            code '?' [51].

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Variables:

uint8_t morsedec_status;
uint8_t morseenc_status;
uint8_t morse_error;

// Functions:

 * Convert lower case to upper case letters
 * Input:  ASCII code [0..255]
 * Output: ASCII code, only with upper case letters
uint8_t Lower2UpperCase(uint8_t ch)
{uint8_t chuc;
	chuc = ch;
	if ((ch >= 97) && (ch <= 122)) {
		chuc -= 32;
	if ((ch >= 224) && (ch <= 254) && (ch != 247)) {
		chuc -= 32;
	return (chuc);

 * Convert upper case to lower case letters
 * Input:  ASCII code [0..255]
 * Output: ASCII code, only with lower case letters
uint8_t Upper2LowerCase(uint8_t ch)
{uint8_t chlc;
	chlc = ch;
	if ((ch >= 65) && (ch <= 90)) {
		chlc += 32;
	if ((ch >= 192) && (ch <= 222) && (ch != 215)) {
		chlc += 32;
	return (chlc);

 * Output the Morse code of a Morse table index
 * Input:  Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
 * Output: Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
uint16_t MsIndex2MorseCode(uint8_t msindex)
	morse_error = false;
	return (pgm_read_word(&ms_ft[msindex]));

 * Output the table index of a Morse code
 * Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
 * Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
uint8_t MorseCode2MsIndex(uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t msidx;
	for (msidx = 0; msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX; msidx++) {
		if (morsecode == pgm_read_word(&ms_ft[msidx])) {break;}
	if (msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX) {
		morse_error = false;
		return (msidx);					// Morse table index
	else {
		morse_error = true;				// Unknown Morse code:
		return (51);					//  Return table index of '?'

 * Output the Morse sign name of a Morse code
 * Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
 * Output: String with Morse sign name (1..3 ASCII letters)
void MorseCode2MsName(char *msname, uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t msidx;
	msidx = MorseCode2MsIndex(morsecode);
	msname[0] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a0uc_ft[msidx]);
	msname[1] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]);
	if (msname[1] == 32) {msname[1] = '\0';}
	msname[2] = pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]);
	if (msname[2] == 32) {
		msname[2] = '\0';
	else {
		msname[3] = '\0';

 * Output the Morse table index of a Morse sign name
 * Input:  String with Morse sign name (1..3 ASCII letters)
 * Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX]
uint8_t MsName2MsIndex(char *msname)
{uint8_t msidx;
	for (msidx = 0; msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX; msidx++) {
		if (msname[0] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a0uc_ft[msidx])) {
			if ((pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]) == 32)
			 || (msname[1] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a1uc_ft[msidx]))) {
				if ((pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]) == 32)
				 || (msname[2] == pgm_read_byte(&ms_a2uc_ft[msidx]))) {
	if (msidx <= MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX) {
		morse_error = false;
		return (msidx);					// Morse table index
	else {
		morse_error = true;				// Unknown Morse sign name:
		return (51);					//  Return table index of '?'

 * Output the Morse sign of a Morse code
 * Input:  Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
 * Output: String with the Morse sign (1..9 dits [.] or dahs [-])
 * Example: $  -> 0b0011010111010101  -> Morse sign ...-..-
void MorseCode2MorseSign(char *morsesign, uint16_t morsecode)
{uint8_t i; uint16_t ms_code;
	ms_code = morsecode;
	i = 0;
	do {
		switch (ms_code & 3) {
			case 1 :					// dit!
				morsesign[i] = '.';
				i++; break;
			case 3 :					// dah!
				morsesign[i] = '-';
		ms_code >>= 2;
	} while (ms_code);
	if (morsecode == 0x5FD5) {			// SOS: Add last dit!
		morsesign[i] = '.';
	morsesign[i] = '\0';
	morse_error = false;

 * Output the Morse code of a Morse sign
 * Input:  String with the Morse sign (1..9 dits [.] or dahs [-])
 * Output: Morse code (See table ms_ft[] above!)
 * Example: $  -> Morse sign ...-..-  -> 0b0011010111010101
uint16_t MorseSign2MorseCode(char *morsesign)
{uint8_t i, ch; uint16_t ms_code;
	ms_code = 0;
	ch = 1;
	for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
		ms_code >>= 2;
		if (ch) {
			ch = morsesign[i];
			switch (ch) {
				case '.' :					// dit!
					ms_code |= 0x4000; break;
				case '-' :					// dah!
					ms_code |= 0xC000;
	if ((ms_code == 0x5FD5) && (morsesign[8] != '.')) {
		ms_code = 0x05F5;	// SOS: If last dit doesn't exist, return '?'!
		morse_error = true;
	else {
		morse_error = false;
	return (ms_code);

// Morse decoder functions:

 * Clear the Morse decoder ring buffer
void clearMorseDecBuffer(void)
	morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK;		// Decoder buffer status ok
	dec_write_pos = 255;					// Reset buffer write position
	dec_read_pos = 255;						// Reset buffer read position

 * Init Morse Decoder
 * Call this once before using the Morse decoder (receiver) task!
void initMorseDecoder(void)
	MORSEDEC_DDR &= ~MORSEDEC_IN;			// Decoder input pin
	morse_error = false;					// Reset Morse error flag
	clearMorseDecBuffer();					// Clear the decoder buffer
	decspeed = SPEED;						// Decoder speed
	speedvar = SPEED_VAR;					// Decoder speed variation

 * Store a decoded (prosign) Morse sign char into the decoder ring buffer
 * Input: ASCII char (part of a string with the (pro)sign name)
void storeMsChar2DecBuffer(uint8_t ch)
	if (getMorseDecBufferLength() < MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
		if (dec_write_pos > MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
			dec_write_pos = 0;
		morsedec_buffer[dec_write_pos] = ch;
		morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK;	// Decoder buffer status ok
	else {
		morsedec_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;// Decoder buffer overflow

 * Morse decoder task
void task_MorseDec(void)
{uint16_t time_100usecs;
 static char ms_sign[10]; uint8_t temp;
 static uint16_t last_timer, signal, pause;
 static uint8_t ditdah, ditdah_cnt;
 char ms_name[4]; 
 static uint8_t space_cnt;
	time_100usecs = timer - last_timer;
	last_timer += time_100usecs;
	temp = MORSEDEC_PIN & MORSEDEC_IN;		// Read Morse level
	if (temp) {								// Signal on
#ifdef LIGHT
		statusLEDs.LED1 = true;
		signal += time_100usecs;
		if (pause > (decspeed * 20)) {		// Pause > 2 dits:
			if (ditdah) {					//  Morse sign end (length 3 dits)
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
				ditdah_cnt = 0;
				ditdah = 0;
				MorseCode2MsName(ms_name, MorseSign2MorseCode(ms_sign));
				temp = 0;
				while (ms_name[temp]) {
			pause = 0;
		if (pause) {						// Short pause: 
			if (ditdah) {					//  Dit or dah end (length 1 dit)
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
				if (ditdah_cnt > 8) {ditdah_cnt = 0;}
				ditdah = 0;
			pause = 0;
	else {									// Signal off (pause)
#ifdef LIGHT
		statusLEDs.LED1 = false;
		pause += time_100usecs;
		if (pause > (decspeed * 50)) {		// Pause > 5 dits:
			if (ditdah) {					//  Space or longer pause
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = ditdah;
				ms_sign[ditdah_cnt] = '\0';
				ditdah_cnt = 0;
				ditdah = 0;
				MorseCode2MsName(ms_name, MorseSign2MorseCode(ms_sign));
				temp = 0;
				while (ms_name[temp]) {
				space_cnt = SPACE_CNT_LIMIT;
				storeMsChar2DecBuffer(' ');		// Add a space after a sign
				pause = 0;
			if (space_cnt) {
				if (pause >= (decspeed * 70)) {// Pause >= 7 dits:
					storeMsChar2DecBuffer(' '); // Add spaces while pause
					pause -= (decspeed * 70);
			else {
				pause = 0;
		if (signal > (decspeed * 20)) {	// Signal > 2 dits:
#ifdef DEBUG
			dahlength = signal;
			ditdah = '-';					//  Dah (length 3 dits)!
			if (signal >= (decspeed * 33)) {// Signal >= 3.3 dits (+10%):
				decspeed += speedvar;		//   Reduce decoder speed
				if (decspeed > SPEED_MIN) {decspeed = SPEED_MIN;}
			signal = 0;
		if (signal) {						// Short signal:
#ifdef DEBUG
			ditlength = signal;
			ditdah = '.';					//  Dit!
			if (signal <= (decspeed * 9)) {// Signal <= 0.9 dits (-10%):
				decspeed -= speedvar;		//  Increase decoder speed
				if (decspeed < SPEED_MAX) {decspeed = SPEED_MAX;}
			signal = 0;

 * Read next character from the Morse decoder ring buffer
 * Output: Printable ASCII character [32..255] (as part of
 *         a received/decoded (prosign) Morse sign name)
 *         OR 0 (false), if the ring buffer is empty
uint8_t readMorseChar(void)
{uint8_t ch;
	if (dec_read_pos != dec_write_pos) {
		if (dec_read_pos > MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
			dec_read_pos = 0;
		ch = morsedec_buffer[dec_read_pos];
	else {
		ch = 0;
	return (ch);

 * Read next [numberOfChars] characters from the Morse decoder ring buffer
 * Output: Number of characters copied to *buf,
 *         string *buf with the copied characters
uint8_t readMorseChars(char *buf, uint8_t numberOfChars)
{uint8_t ch, i;
	i = 0;
	while (i < numberOfChars) {
		ch = readMorseChar();
		if (ch) {
			buf[i] = ch;
		else {break;}
	buf[i] = '\0';
	return (i);

 * Get the number of characters still in the Morse decoder ring buffer
 * Output: Number of characters (0: Buffer is empty!)
uint8_t getMorseDecBufferLength(void)
{int16_t dec_posdiff;
	dec_posdiff = dec_write_pos - dec_read_pos;
	if (dec_posdiff < 0) {
		dec_posdiff += (MORSEDEC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 1);
	return ((uint8_t) dec_posdiff);

// Morse encoder functions:

 * Init Morse Encoder
 * Call this once before using the Morse encoder (sender) task!
void initMorseEncoder(void)
	MORSEENC_DDR |= MORSEENC_IN;			// Encoder output pin
	MORSEENC_PORT &= ~MORSEENC_IN;			// Output low
	morse_error = false;					// Reset Morse error flag
	morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK;		// Encoder buffer status ok
	enc_write_pos = 255;					// Reset buffer write pointer
	enc_read_pos = 255;						// Reset buffer read pointer
	encspeed = SPEED;						// Set encoder speed

 * Fetch next Morse table index from the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Output: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX(..127)]
 *         OR pause length [129..255] (pause 1..127 dits)
 *         OR 128 (0x80), if the ring buffer is empty
uint8_t fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer(void)
{uint8_t msidx;
	if (enc_read_pos != enc_write_pos) {
		if (enc_read_pos > MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
			enc_read_pos = 0;
		msidx = morseenc_buffer[enc_read_pos];
	else {
		msidx = 0x80;
	return (msidx);

 * Morse encoder task
void task_MorseEnc(void)
{static uint8_t busy_flag, signal_flag, pause_flag, sos_flag, pause_dits;
 static uint16_t last_timer, ms_code; uint8_t msidx;
	if (busy_flag) {						// Encoder busy!
		if (signal_flag) {					// Sending signal
			if (!pause_flag) {				// Waiting for signal end
				if ((timer - last_timer)
				 >= (encspeed * 10 * (ms_code & 3))) {
#ifdef LIGHT
					statusLEDs.LED1 = false;
					last_timer = timer;
					pause_flag = true;
					ms_code >>= 2;
			else {							// Pause after a signal
				if (ms_code) {				// Dit/dah (signal) end:
					if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 10)) {
						signal_flag = false;//  Pause 1 dit
				else {						// Morse sign end:
					if (sos_flag) {			//  Case SOS:
						ms_code = 0x0001;	//   Add last dit
						sos_flag = false;
					else {					//  Case sign end:
						if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 30)) {
							busy_flag = false;// Pause 3 dits
		else {								// Signal end
			if (pause_dits) {				// Make a longer pause
				if ((timer - last_timer) >= (encspeed * 10 * pause_dits)) {
					busy_flag = false;		// Longer pause end
			else {							// Start new signal (dit/dah)
#ifdef LIGHT
				statusLEDs.LED1 = true;
				last_timer = timer;
				pause_flag = false;
				signal_flag = true;
	else {									// Encoder not busy!
		msidx = fetchMsIndexFromEncBuffer();// Get next index to send
		if (msidx == 0x80) {				//  from the ring buffer
			return;							// Buffer empty: Return
		else {
			if (msidx < 0x80) {				// Morse sign to send
				ms_code = MsIndex2MorseCode(msidx);
				if (ms_code == 0x5FD5) {
					sos_flag = true;		// Sign is SOS
				else {
					sos_flag = false;
				pause_dits = 0;
			else {							// (msidx > 0x80): Longer pause
				last_timer = timer;
				pause_dits = msidx - 0x80;
			signal_flag = false;
			busy_flag = true;				// Sign / longer pause can be sent

 * Store a Morse table index into the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Input: Morse table index [0..MORSESIGNS_MAXINDEX(..127)]
 *        OR pause length [129..255] (pause 1..127 dits)
void storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(uint8_t msindex)
	if (getMorseEncBufferLength() < MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
		if (enc_write_pos > MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX) {
			enc_write_pos = 0;
		morseenc_buffer[enc_write_pos] = msindex;
		morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OK;	// Encoder buffer status ok
	else {
		morseenc_status = MORSE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; // Encoder buffer overflow

 * Write a pause length to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Input: Pause length [1..127 dits] (0.14..18.14 spaces)
 * With this function you can reach longer pauses.
 *   Examples:
 *   pauseMorse(7);  is identical with  writeMorseChar(' ');
 *   pauseMorse(14); is identical with  writeMorseString("  ");
 * The function pauseMorse(len) only writes one byte into the encoder ring
 * buffer for a longer pause, while writeMorseChar(' ') writes one byte for
 * each space to send. You should use writeMorseChar(' ') for single spaces
 * (between words) and pauseMorse(len) for longer pauses.
 * ATTENTION: !-----------------------------------------------------------!
 *            ! The max. pause length you can reach with this function is !
 *            ! about 6 seconds! So the max. input value of this function !
 *            ! depends on encspeed!!!                                    !
 *            !-----------------------------------------------------------!
 *            !   ==>  Max. pause length [dits] = 6000 / encspeed  <==    !
 *            !-----------------------------------------------------------!
 *            For encspeeds from 8 (SPEED_MAX) to 47 the max. pause length
 *            is 127 dits. For encspeeds from 48 to 400 (SPEED_MIN) you
 *            calculate the max. number of dits with the above formula.
 *            At SPEED_MIN you may only pause for 15 (6000 / 400) dits!
void pauseMorse(uint8_t len)
	if (len) {
		storeMsIndex2EncBuffer(len | 0x80);

 * Write a character to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Input: ASCII code [0..255]
void writeMorseChar(uint8_t ch)
{static uint8_t sign_flag, chidx; uint8_t msidx;
 static char last_3ch[4];
	switch (ch) {
		case 32 :							// Space   [ASCII code 32]
		case 160 :							// NbSpace [ASCII code 160]
			if (sign_flag) {				// Space directly after a sign
				pauseMorse(4);				//  (length 4 dits)
				if (morseenc_status == MORSE_BUFFER_OK) {
					sign_flag = false;
			else {							// Pause for all other spaces
				pauseMorse(7);				//  (length 7 dits)
		default :
			last_3ch[chidx] = ch; last_3ch[chidx + 1] = '\0';
			msidx = MsName2MsIndex(last_3ch);// Name in Morse table?
			if (morse_error) {
				if (chidx > 2) {chidx = 0;}
			if (morseenc_status == MORSE_BUFFER_OK) {
				sign_flag = true;
	chidx = 0;

 * Write a string to send into the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Input: String with ASCII text
void writeMorseString(char *str)
	while (*str) {

 * Get the number of indices still in the Morse encoder ring buffer
 * Output: Number of indices (0: Buffer is empty!)
uint8_t getMorseEncBufferLength(void)
{int16_t enc_posdiff;
	enc_posdiff = enc_write_pos - enc_read_pos;
	if (enc_posdiff < 0) {
		enc_posdiff += (MORSEENC_BUFFER_MAXINDEX + 1);
	return ((uint8_t) enc_posdiff);

// Useful UART functions:

#ifndef DEBUG
 * Send received Morse signs to the serial interface as ASCII text
void writeMorse(void)
{static uint8_t pos; uint8_t ch;
	ch = readMorseChar();
	if (ch) {
		if (pos >= LINE_LENGTH) {
			pos = 0;


 * Send decoder debug information to the serial interface
 * Format: .0000 -0000 S000 D000  A:[X] B000
 *   .    -> Dit length [0.1ms]
 *   -    -> Dah length [0.1ms]
 *   S    -> Decoder speed (should be (dit length / 10)!) [ms]
 *   D    -> Deviation (decoder speed - (dit length / 10)) [ms]
 *   A    -> The last received ASCII char
 *   B    -> Decoder buffer length (chars still in the buffer)
void writeDebugInfo(void)
{uint8_t ch;
	ch = readMorseChar();
	if (ch) {
		writeIntegerLength(ditlength, DEC, 4);
		writeString_P(" -");
		writeIntegerLength(dahlength, DEC, 4);
		writeString_P(" S");
		writeIntegerLength(decspeed, DEC, 3);
		writeString_P(" D");
		writeIntegerLength((decspeed - (ditlength / 10)), DEC, 3);
		writeString_P("  A:[");
		writeString_P("] B");
		writeIntegerLength(getMorseDecBufferLength(), DEC, 3);

 * Additional info
 * ****************************************************************************
 * Changelog:
 * - v. 3.3w 2012 by Dirk
 * ****************************************************************************

// EOF









RP6 Base







Direkteingabe von Morse-Code

Rundfunkempfang von Morse-Code



Erfahrungsberichte, Weiterentwicklung

... kann gerne ergänzt werden ...

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--Dirk 20:21, 12. Mär 2012 (CET)

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