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(minor change for code var 2)
K (Sample Code Variante 2: übersichtlich mit ADR2)
Zeile 588: Zeile 588:
'Das Beispiel ist für den BASCOM-Simulator angepasst worden
'Das Beispiel ist für den BASCOM-Simulator angepasst worden
'  getestet mit BASCOM
'  getestet mit BASCOM
'  Codelänge 2242 Byte
'  Codelänge 2028 Byte
$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$framesize = 32                                            'Stack
$framesize = 32                                            'Stack
$swstack = 32
$swstack = 32
$hwstack = 64
$hwstack = 64
$sim                                                        'empty wait loops - faster simulation - not for real world!!
Zeile 609: Zeile 610:
'bzw. im ASCII-Code:
'bzw. im ASCII-Code:
Const Key_buttons = 4                                      'Anzahl der Tasten
Dim Keycode_string As String * 4
Dim Keycode_string As String * Key_buttons
Keycode_string = "{056}{050}{052}{054}"
Keycode_string = "{056}{050}{052}{054}"                     'see scan codes in ASCII chart
Dim Keycode(4) As Byte At Keycode_string Overlay
Dim Keycode(key_buttons) As Byte At Keycode_string Overlay
Const Key_null = 0                                          'keine Taste gedrückt
Const Key_null = 0                                          'keine Taste gedrückt
'******** LCD Settings ***********************************************
Dim Lcd_textbuffer As String * 25
'Pins des LCD-Modules setzen ggf. an eigene Anschlüsse anpassen
'Pins des LCD-Modules setzen ggf. an eigene Anschlüsse anpassen
Zeile 623: Zeile 627:
'******** Joystick/Key Settings ***********************************************
'******** Joystick/Key Settings ***********************************************
Dim Key As Byte                                            'key in Mainloop
Dim Key As Byte                                            'key in Mainloop
'******** LCD *****************************************************************
Dim Lcd_textbuffer As String * 25
'******** allg Variablen ******************************************************
Dim I As Byte , J As Byte
Dim W As Word
'********* State Variables ****************************************************
'********* State Variables ****************************************************
Zeile 641: Zeile 638:
Key = Key_null                                              'keine Taste gedrückt
Key = Key_null                                              'keine Taste gedrückt
'******** allg Variablen ******************************************************
Dim I As Byte , J As Byte
Dim W As Word
'********** MAIN-Loop *********************************************************
'********** MAIN-Loop *********************************************************
Zeile 685: Zeile 685:
     lds R8, {State}
     lds R8, {State}
     lds R9, {State + 1}
     lds R9, {State + 1}
     For I = 1 To 4
     For I = 1 To Key_buttons
       Read W
       Read W
       If Key = Keycode(i) Then
       If Key = Keycode(i) Then
Zeile 713: Zeile 713:
'Result:    Pointers auf States , Unterprogramme
'Result:    Pointers auf States , Unterprogramme
'            Menütexte
'            Menütexte
'Format:    1. Zeile: für jede Taste genau eine Verzeigung ADR2 (see Key_buttons=xx)
'            2. Zeile: Sprunglabel als ADR2 für ein ggf. anzuspringendes Unterprogramm
'            3. Zeile: Displaytext des akt. Status als DATA Feld
'Hinweis:    wenn nichts passieren soll wird das Label NULL eingetragen

Aktuelle Version vom 16. August 2008, 13:21 Uhr

Bascom State Machine Menu

Beim der Umsetzung des Beispielcodes von Atmel für AVR Butterfly [[1]] (in IAR-C bzw. die GCC-Portierung) nach Bascom [[2]] entstand folgende hoch effiziente State Machine zur Umsetzung eines Menüs für einen Datalogger.

Der Code wurde hier stark reduziert, so dass vom gesamten Programm das Menü als Rahmen mit allen Unterprogrammen (leer) übrig geblieben ist.

Die Menü-Struktur

Als Beispiel wird hier die um die Umsetzung des Menüs aus dem AVR Butterfly Evaluation Kit in Bascom gezeigt: Butterflymenu.png

Sample Code Variante 1: Umsetzung des Codes aus dem AVR Butterfly Evaluation Kit

Der Code ist die 1:1 Umsetzung des C-Codes aus dem AVR Butterfly Evaluation Kit. Das Code-Beispiel wurde für den Bascom Simulator optimiert und kann dort direkt mit den Ziffern-Tasten bedient werden (NumLock!). Auf dem Simulator-LCD-Display werden die Ebenen mit angezeigt (3 -> 31 -> 32 -> 321 etc.)

Getestet im Bascom-Simulator der Versionen:

  • BASCOM [Probleme mir der LCD Darstellung]

Die Codelänge des Samples beträgt ca. 2300Byte. Der größte Teil geht für die LCD-Anzeige, Anzeigetexte etc. drauf. Der State Machine selber ist sehr schlank, da nur Pointer (Zeiger) gesetzt werden.

Weitere Erklärungen stehen im Quelltext.

'Beispiel für ein State Machine Menü
'Das Beispiel ist für den BASCOM-Simulator angepasst worden
'  getestet mit BASCOM
'  Codelänge 2362 Byte
'Hinweis: Im Simulator müssen die Eingaben in das "Terminal Emulator Window" erfolgen!
'Auf der Tastatur ergeben sich für die VIER Joystick-Positionen folgende Umsetzungen
'              [Key_plus ]
' [Key_prev]   [         ]    [Key_next]
'              [Key_minus]
'              [ Taste_8 ]
' [Taste_4 ]   [         ]    [Taste_6 ]
'              [ Taste_2 ]
'bzw. im ASCII-Code
Const Key_null = 0                                          'keine Taste gedrückt
Const Key_next = 54
Const Key_prev = 52
Const Key_plus = 56
Const Key_minus = 50

'los gehts:
$regfile = "m32def.dat"

$framesize = 32                                             'Stack
$swstack = 32
$hwstack = 64

'Pins des LCD-Modules setzen ggf. an eigene Anschlüsse anpassen
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.5 , Db5 = Portc.4 , Db6 = Portc.3 , Db7 = Portc.2 , E = Portc.6 , Rs = Portc.7
Config Lcdmode = Port
Config Lcdbus = 4                                           '4 bit mode
Config Lcd = 20 * 4

'******** state machine states ************************************************
' Menu state machine states
Const St_avrbf = 10
Const St_avrbf_rev = 11

Const St_time = 20
Const St_time_clock = 21
Const St_time_clock_func = 22
Const St_time_clock_adjust = 23
Const St_time_clock_adjust_func = 24
Const St_time_clockformat_adjust = 25
Const St_time_clockformat_adjust_func = 26
Const St_time_date = 27
Const St_time_date_func = 28
Const St_time_date_adjust = 29
Const St_time_date_adjust_func = 30
Const St_time_dateformat_adjust = 31
Const St_time_dateformat_adjust_func = 32

Const St_datalogger = 40
Const St_datalogger_logcycle = 41
Const St_datalogger_logcycle_func = 42
Const St_datalogger_erase = 43
Const St_datalogger_erase_select = 44
Const St_datalogger_erase_func = 45
Const St_datalogger_logcount = 46
Const St_datalogger_logcount_func = 47
Const St_datalogger_rs232 = 48
Const St_datalogger_rs232_select = 49
Const St_datalogger_rs232_func = 50

Const St_adc = 60
Const St_temperature = 65
Const St_temperature_func = 66
Const St_voltage = 70
Const St_voltage_func = 71
Const St_adc_raw = 75
Const St_adc_raw_func = 76
Const St_adc_batt = 80
Const St_adc_batt_func = 81

Const St_options = 90
Const St_options_display_contrast = 91
Const St_options_display_contrast_func = 92
Const St_options_power_off = 95
Const St_options_power_off_func = 97
Const St_options_auto_power_save = 100
Const St_options_auto_power_save_func = 101
Const St_options_keyclick = 105
Const St_options_keyclick_func = 106
Const St_options_boot = 110
Const St_options_boot_select = 111
Const St_options_boot_func = 112

'********* State Variables ****************************************************
Dim Tab_state As Byte , Tab_input As Byte , Tab_nextstate As Byte
Dim Tab_text As String * 25

Dim State As Byte , State_renew As Byte

'Initial state variables
State = St_avrbf
State_renew = 1

'******** Joystick/Key Settings ***********************************************
Dim Key As Byte                                             'key in Mainloop

'******** LCD *****************************************************************
Dim Lcd_textbuffer As String * 25

'******** allg Variablen ******************************************************
Dim I As Byte , J As Byte
Dim I1 As Byte
Dim W As Word , W1 As Word

'********** MAIN-Loop *********************************************************
    Key = Inkey()

   'Menüeintrag und Tastencodes finden
   If Key <> Key_null Then                                  'save power
      State_renew = 0
      Restore State_machine
         Read Tab_state
         Read Tab_input
         Read Tab_nextstate
         If State = Tab_state Then
            If Key = Tab_input Then
               State = Tab_nextstate
               State_renew = 1                              'LCD refresh
               Key = Key_null                               'reset key status after get a new state of state machine (prevent influence on GOSUBs)
            End If
         End If
      Loop Until State_renew = 1 Or Tab_state = 255
   End If

   'Endlosschleife mit Unterprogrammen
   Select Case State                                        '320 Byte für 20 Gosub
      Case St_time_clock_func : Gosub Showclock
      Case St_time_clock_adjust_func : Gosub Setclock
      Case St_time_clockformat_adjust_func : Gosub Setclockformat
      Case St_time_date_func : Gosub Showdate
      Case St_time_date_adjust_func : Gosub Setdate
      Case St_time_dateformat_adjust_func : Gosub Setdateformat

      Case St_datalogger_logcycle_func : Gosub Datalogger_setloginterval
      Case St_datalogger_erase_func : Gosub Datalogger_erase
      Case St_datalogger_logcount_func : Gosub Datalogger_logcount
      Case St_datalogger_rs232_func : Gosub Datalogger_rs232

      Case St_temperature_func : Gosub Temperaturefunc
      Case St_voltage_func : Gosub Voltagefunc
      Case St_adc_raw_func : Gosub Adc_raw_func
      Case St_adc_batt_func : Gosub Adc_batt_func

      Case St_options_display_contrast_func : Gosub Setcontrast
      Case St_options_boot_func : Gosub Bootfunc
      Case St_options_power_off_func : Gosub Power_off_func
      Case St_options_auto_power_save_func : Gosub Autopower
      Case St_options_keyclick_func : Gosub Keyclick_set
   End Select

   'place for your own code in main loop

   'LCD refresh wenn Menü verändert
   If State_renew = 1 Then
      State_renew = 0
      Restore Menu_text_data
         Read Tab_state
         Read Tab_text
         If State = Tab_state Then Lcd_textbuffer = Tab_text
      Loop Until Tab_state = 255
      Gosub Lcd_print
   End If


'********* LCD SUB routines ***************************************************
'Subroutine: Lcd_print
'Call from:  anywhere
'Purpose:    gibt Lcd_textbuffer auf dem LCD-Display aus
'Result:     LCD
Lcd_print:                                                  'Print lcd_textbuffer
    Lcd Lcd_textbuffer

'********* SUB Clock routines**************************************************
  'Show the clock on the LCD
  Lcd_textbuffer = "HH:MM:SS"
  Gosub Lcd_print

  'Adjusts the Clock
  Lcd_textbuffer = "HH=11"
  Gosub Lcd_print

  'Adjusts the Clockformat (12H or 24H)
  Lcd_textbuffer = "12H / 24H"
  Gosub Lcd_print

'********* SUB date routines **************************************************

   'Show the date on the LCD
   Lcd_textbuffer = "DD.MM.YY"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Adjusts the Date
   Lcd_textbuffer = "Month=12"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Adjusts the Dateformat "DDMMYY" , "MMDDYY" , "YYMMDD"
   Lcd_textbuffer = "DDMMYY/YYMMDD"
   Gosub Lcd_print

'********* Datalogger routines ************************************************
   'set the datalog intervall HOUR:MINUTES
   Lcd_textbuffer = "HH:MM"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'erase the dataflash
  State = St_datalogger_erase
  State_renew = 1

  'Show DF_LogCount
   Lcd_textbuffer = "1234"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Print all DataLogs to RS232
   State = St_datalogger_rs232                              'next status of state machine
   State_renew = 1

   'temperature measurement in °C
   Lcd_textbuffer = "+24C"
   Gosub Lcd_print

 'voltage measurement mV
   Lcd_textbuffer = "0mV"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'ADC Temperature/Voltage/Light result as RAW
   Lcd_textbuffer = "CH:RAW"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'battery voltage measurement
   Lcd_textbuffer = "2900mV"
   Gosub Lcd_print

'********* Sub MENU / OPTIONS  ********************************
   'Adjust the LCD contrast
   Lcd_textbuffer = "0...15"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   State = St_avrbf                                         'next status of state machine
   State_renew = 1

  State = St_options_power_off

   'Enable/Disable auto power save
   Lcd_textbuffer = "ON/OFF"
   Gosub Lcd_print

    'Enable/Disable keyclick
   Lcd_textbuffer = "ON/OFF"
   Gosub Lcd_print

'*********** State Machine ***************************************************
'112 Datensätze der State Machine ca. 350 Byte
'State with xxx_func forward to GOSUB xxx in main loop
'             [Key_plus ]
'[Key_prev]   [Key_enter]    [Key_next]
'             [Key_minus]

Data St_avrbf , Key_plus , St_options
Data St_avrbf , Key_next , St_avrbf_rev
Data St_avrbf , Key_minus , St_time

   Data St_avrbf_rev , Key_prev , St_avrbf

Data St_time , Key_plus , St_avrbf
Data St_time , Key_next , St_time_clock
Data St_time , Key_prev , St_avrbf
Data St_time , Key_minus , St_datalogger

   Data St_time_clock , Key_plus , St_time_date
   Data St_time_clock , Key_next , St_time_clock_func
   Data St_time_clock , Key_prev , St_time
   Data St_time_clock , Key_minus , St_time_date

      Data St_time_clock_func , Key_prev , St_time_clock
      Data St_time_clock_func , Key_next , St_time_clock_adjust
      Data St_time_clock_func , Key_minus , St_time_date_func

         Data St_time_clock_adjust , Key_plus , St_time_clockformat_adjust
         Data St_time_clock_adjust , Key_next , St_time_clock_adjust_func
         Data St_time_clock_adjust , Key_prev , St_time_clock_func
         Data St_time_clock_adjust , Key_minus , St_time_clockformat_adjust

            Data St_time_clock_adjust_func , Key_prev , St_time_clock_func

         Data St_time_clockformat_adjust , Key_plus , St_time_clock_adjust
         Data St_time_clockformat_adjust , Key_next , St_time_clockformat_adjust_func
         Data St_time_clockformat_adjust , Key_prev , St_time_clock_func
         Data St_time_clockformat_adjust , Key_minus , St_time_clock_adjust

            Data St_time_clockformat_adjust_func , Key_prev , St_time_clock_func

   Data St_time_date , Key_plus , St_time_clock
   Data St_time_date , Key_next , St_time_date_func
   Data St_time_date , Key_prev , St_time
   Data St_time_date , Key_minus , St_time_clock

      Data St_time_date_func , Key_plus , St_time_clock_func
      Data St_time_date_func , Key_prev , St_time_date
      Data St_time_date_func , Key_next , St_time_date_adjust

         Data St_time_date_adjust , Key_plus , St_time_dateformat_adjust
         Data St_time_date_adjust , Key_next , St_time_date_adjust_func
         Data St_time_date_adjust , Key_prev , St_time_date_func
         Data St_time_date_adjust , Key_minus , St_time_dateformat_adjust

            Data St_time_date_adjust_func , Key_prev , St_time_date_func

         Data St_time_dateformat_adjust , Key_plus , St_time_date_adjust
         Data St_time_dateformat_adjust , Key_next , St_time_dateformat_adjust_func
         Data St_time_dateformat_adjust , Key_prev , St_time_date_func
         Data St_time_dateformat_adjust , Key_minus , St_time_date_adjust

            Data St_time_dateformat_adjust_func , Key_prev , St_time_date_func

'Data Logger---------------------------------------------------------------
Data St_datalogger , Key_plus , St_time
Data St_datalogger , Key_next , St_datalogger_logcycle
Data St_datalogger , Key_prev , St_avrbf
Data St_datalogger , Key_minus , St_adc

   Data St_datalogger_logcycle , Key_plus , St_datalogger_rs232
   Data St_datalogger_logcycle , Key_next , St_datalogger_logcycle_func
   Data St_datalogger_logcycle , Key_prev , St_datalogger
   Data St_datalogger_logcycle , Key_minus , St_datalogger_erase

      Data St_datalogger_logcycle_func , Key_prev , St_datalogger_logcycle

   Data St_datalogger_erase , Key_plus , St_datalogger_logcycle
   Data St_datalogger_erase , Key_next , St_datalogger_erase_select
   Data St_datalogger_erase , Key_prev , St_datalogger
   Data St_datalogger_erase , Key_minus , St_datalogger_logcount

      Data St_datalogger_erase_select , Key_next , St_datalogger_erase_func
      Data St_datalogger_erase_select , Key_prev , St_datalogger_erase

         'SUB St_datalogger_erase_func  -> new State = St_datalogger_erase

   Data St_datalogger_logcount , Key_plus , St_datalogger_erase
   Data St_datalogger_logcount , Key_next , St_datalogger_logcount_func
   Data St_datalogger_logcount , Key_prev , St_datalogger
   Data St_datalogger_logcount , Key_minus , St_datalogger_rs232

      Data St_datalogger_logcount_func , Key_prev , St_datalogger_logcount

   Data St_datalogger_rs232 , Key_plus , St_datalogger_logcount
   Data St_datalogger_rs232 , Key_next , St_datalogger_rs232_select
   Data St_datalogger_rs232 , Key_prev , St_datalogger
   Data St_datalogger_rs232 , Key_minus , St_datalogger_logcycle

      Data St_datalogger_rs232_select , Key_next , St_datalogger_rs232_func
      Data St_datalogger_rs232_select , Key_prev , St_datalogger_rs232

         'SUB St_datalogger_rs232_func -> new State = St_datalogger_rs232

Data St_adc , Key_plus , St_datalogger
Data St_adc , Key_next , St_temperature
Data St_adc , Key_prev , St_avrbf
Data St_adc , Key_minus , St_options

   Data St_temperature , Key_plus , St_adc_raw
   Data St_temperature , Key_next , St_temperature_func
   Data St_temperature , Key_prev , St_avrbf
   Data St_temperature , Key_minus , St_voltage

      Data St_temperature_func , Key_prev , St_temperature

   Data St_voltage , Key_plus , St_temperature
   Data St_voltage , Key_next , St_voltage_func
   Data St_voltage , Key_prev , St_avrbf
   Data St_voltage , Key_minus , St_adc_raw

      Data St_voltage_func , Key_prev , St_voltage

   Data St_adc_raw , Key_plus , St_voltage
   Data St_adc_raw , Key_next , St_adc_raw_func
   Data St_adc_raw , Key_prev , St_avrbf
   Data St_adc_raw , Key_minus , St_adc_batt

      Data St_adc_raw_func , Key_prev , St_adc_raw

   Data St_adc_batt , Key_plus , St_adc_raw
   Data St_adc_batt , Key_next , St_adc_batt_func
   Data St_adc_batt , Key_prev , St_avrbf
   Data St_adc_batt , Key_minus , St_temperature

      Data St_adc_batt_func , Key_prev , St_adc_batt

Data St_options , Key_plus , St_adc
Data St_options , Key_next , St_options_display_contrast
Data St_options , Key_prev , St_avrbf
Data St_options , Key_minus , St_avrbf

   Data St_options_display_contrast , Key_plus , St_options_keyclick
   Data St_options_display_contrast , Key_next , St_options_display_contrast_func
   Data St_options_display_contrast , Key_prev , St_options
   Data St_options_display_contrast , Key_minus , St_options_boot

      Data St_options_display_contrast_func , Key_prev , St_options_display_contrast

   Data St_options_boot , Key_plus , St_options_display_contrast
   Data St_options_boot , Key_next , St_options_boot_select
   Data St_options_boot , Key_prev , St_options
   Data St_options_boot , Key_minus , St_options_power_off

      Data St_options_boot_select , Key_next , St_options_boot_func
      Data St_options_boot_select , Key_prev , St_options_boot

   Data St_options_power_off , Key_plus , St_options_boot
   Data St_options_power_off , Key_next , St_options_power_off_func
   Data St_options_power_off , Key_prev , St_options
   Data St_options_power_off , Key_minus , St_options_auto_power_save

      'SUB St_options_power_off_func -> new State = St_options_power_off

   Data St_options_auto_power_save , Key_plus , St_options_power_off
   Data St_options_auto_power_save , Key_next , St_options_auto_power_save_func
   Data St_options_auto_power_save , Key_prev , St_options
   Data St_options_auto_power_save , Key_minus , St_options_keyclick

      Data St_options_auto_power_save_func , Key_prev , St_options_auto_power_save

   Data St_options_keyclick , Key_plus , St_options_auto_power_save
   Data St_options_keyclick , Key_next , St_options_keyclick_func
   Data St_options_keyclick , Key_prev , St_options
   Data St_options_keyclick , Key_minus , St_options_display_contrast

      Data St_options_keyclick_func , Key_prev , St_options_keyclick

'Stop Condition
Data 255 , 255 , 255

'************ menu text strings: max. length 24 Byte!! ***********************
Data St_avrbf , "1 Butterfly Bascom"
   Data St_avrbf_rev , "11 Rev 1"

Data St_time , "2 Time"
   Data St_time_clock , "21 Clock"
      Data St_time_clock_adjust , "211 Adjust Clock"
      Data St_time_clockformat_adjust , "212 Clock Format"
   Data St_time_date , "22 Date"
      Data St_time_date_adjust , "221 Adjust Date"
      Data St_time_dateformat_adjust , "222 Date Format"

Data St_datalogger , "3 DataLogger"
   Data St_datalogger_logcycle , "31 Log Cycle"
   Data St_datalogger_erase , "32 Delete Flash"
      Data St_datalogger_erase_select , "321 RIGHT Delete DF"
   Data St_datalogger_logcount , "33 Show LogCount"
   Data St_datalogger_rs232 , "34 Print to RS232"
      Data St_datalogger_rs232_select , "341 RIGHT Print9600B"

Data St_adc , "4 ADC"
   Data St_temperature , "41 Temperature"
   Data St_voltage , "42 Voltage"
   Data St_adc_raw , "43 ADC Port RAW"
   Data St_adc_batt , "44 Battery"

Data St_options , "5 Options"
   Data St_options_display_contrast , "51 LCD contrast"
   Data St_options_boot , "52 Bootloader"
      Data St_options_boot_select , "521 RIGHT bootloader"
   Data St_options_power_off , "53 LCD OFF"
   Data St_options_auto_power_save , "54 LCD Auto Power"
   Data St_options_keyclick , "55 Key Click"

Data 255 , ""                                               'Stop Condition

Sample Code Variante 2: übersichtlich mit ADR2

Die Variante 1 ist leider unübersichtlich, da 3 Tabellen getrennt geführt werden (die State Machine, die Menütexte und die zugehörigen Unterprogrammeinsprünge). Nachfolgend eine Variante, in der nur eine Tabelle geführt wird. Die Lösung wurde möglich, nachdem in Bascom in der Version den Befehl ADR / ADR2 eingeführt wurde.

In jedem Datensatz stehen jetzt die Daten für die Verzweigung der State Machine (inf. Tastatureingabe), der Pointer für den Unterprogrammeinsprung und der Menütext zusammen. Die Codelänge das Beispiel liegt gleichauf mit der Variante 1. Dafür ist das Menü deutlich einfacher zu editieren.

Weitere Erklärungen stehen im Quelltext. Die Bedienung erfolgt wie bei Variante 1.

Da jetzt zur Vereinfachung Nummern für die States geführt werden, empfiehlt es sich ein Plan (siehe Grafik oben) anzulegen und jeden Kasten mit einer Nummer zu versehen. Die Zuordnung der Status-Nummern entsprechend der Tasten-Verzweigung (UP/DOWN etc.) ist dann schnell abgelesen. Alternativ kann man natürlich beliebige Labelnamen verwenden.

Getestet im Bascom-Simulator der Versionen:

'Beispiel für ein State Machine Menü
'Das Beispiel ist für den BASCOM-Simulator angepasst worden
'  getestet mit BASCOM
'  Codelänge 2028 Byte

$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$framesize = 32                                             'Stack
$swstack = 32
$hwstack = 64
$sim                                                        'empty wait loops - faster simulation - not for real world!!

'Hinweis: Im Simulator müssen die Eingaben in dem blauen "Terminal Emulator Window" erfolgen!
'Auf der Tastatur ergeben sich für die VIER Joystick-Positionen folgende Umsetzungen
'              [Key_plus ]
' [Key_prev]   [         ]    [Key_next]
'              [Key_minus]
'              [ Taste_8 ]
' [Taste_4 ]   [         ]    [Taste_6 ]
'              [ Taste_2 ]
'bzw. im ASCII-Code:
Const Key_buttons = 4                                       'Anzahl der Tasten
Dim Keycode_string As String * Key_buttons
Keycode_string = "{056}{050}{052}{054}"                     'see scan codes in ASCII chart
Dim Keycode(key_buttons) As Byte At Keycode_string Overlay
Const Key_null = 0                                          'keine Taste gedrückt

'******** LCD Settings ***********************************************
Dim Lcd_textbuffer As String * 25

'Pins des LCD-Modules setzen ggf. an eigene Anschlüsse anpassen
Config Lcd = 16 * 1

'******** Joystick/Key Settings ***********************************************
Dim Key As Byte                                             'key in Mainloop

'********* State Variables ****************************************************
Dim State As Word                                           'aktueller State
Dim State_renew As Byte                                     'Flag
Dim State_gosub As Word                                     'aktuelles Unterprogramm

'Initial state variables
State_renew = 1
State = Loadlabel(s10)                                      'Startbildschirm
Key = Key_null                                              'keine Taste gedrückt

'******** allg Variablen ******************************************************
Dim I As Byte , J As Byte
Dim W As Word

'********** MAIN-Loop *********************************************************
    'Menüeintrag und Tastencodes finden und ggf. State wechseln
    'hier nur Tastendruck auswerten
    Gosub Change_state
    'Pointer nach Statuswechsel neu setzen
    If State_renew = 1 Then Gosub Change_state

    'Unterprogramm des aktuellen State anspringen
    LDS R31, {State_gosub+1}                                'High see Bascom-Doc Mixing ASM and BASIC
    LDS R30, {State_gosub}                                  'Low
    LSR R31                                                 'Division durch 2 (Alternativ ADR verwenden)
    ROR R30
    'Call zum Sub

   'place for your own code in main loop

   'LCD refresh wenn Menü verändert
   If State_renew = 1 Then
      State_renew = 0
      Gosub Lcd_print
   End If

   'Tastaturabfrage mit Halt nur für Simulator, ansonsten Sleep+Timer_ISR verwenden!!
    Key = Waitkey()


'********* State routines ***************************************************
'Subroutine: Change_state
'Call from:  main loop
'Purpose:    Status der State Machine feststellen und ggf. Wechseln
'Result:     Pointer auf State / Variable State_renew
    lds R8, {State}
    lds R9, {State + 1}
    For I = 1 To Key_buttons
      Read W
      If Key = Keycode(i) Then
           If W <> Loadlabel(null) Then
              State_renew = 1
              Key = Key_null                                'reset key status after get a new state of state machine (prevent influence on GOSUBs)
              State = W
           End If
      End If
    Next I
    Read State_gosub                                        'Adresse des akt. Unterprogramms einlesen
    Read Lcd_textbuffer                                     'read LCD text

'Subroutine: Change_state_by_sub
'Call from:  subroutine
'Purpose:    change state of state machine by a subbroutine
   State_renew = 1
   Gosub Change_state

'DATA:       State Machine
'Result:     Pointers auf States , Unterprogramme
'            Menütexte
'Format:     1. Zeile: für jede Taste genau eine Verzeigung ADR2 (see Key_buttons=xx)
'            2. Zeile: Sprunglabel als ADR2 für ein ggf. anzuspringendes Unterprogramm
'            3. Zeile: Displaytext des akt. Status als DATA Feld
'Hinweis:    wenn nichts passieren soll wird das Label NULL eingetragen

         'Null is a dummy flag for State and Gosub -> do nothing

         Adr2 Null : Adr2 S20 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S11        'Key_plus|Key_minus|Key_prev|Key_next
         Adr2 Null                                          'Subroutine for current State
         Data "1 Butterfly Bascom"                          'Menue Display Text
             Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S10 : Adr2 Null   'Key_plus|Key_minus|Key_prev|Key_next
             Adr2 Null
             Data "11 Rev 2"
         Adr2 S10 : Adr2 S30 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S21
         Adr2 Null
         Data "2 Time"
             Adr2 Null : Adr2 S22 : Adr2 S20 : Adr2 S23
             Adr2 Null
             Data "21 Clock"
             Adr2 S21 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S20 : Adr2 S24
             Adr2 Null
             Data "22 Date"
S23:                                                        'Show HH:MM:SS
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 S24 : Adr2 S21 : Adr2 S25
                   Adr2 Showclock
                   Data ""
S24:                                                        'Show DD:MM:YY
                   Adr2 S23 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S22 : Adr2 S26
                   Adr2 Showdate
                   Data ""
                   Adr2 S27 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S23 : Adr2 S65
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "211 Adjust Clock"
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 S28 : Adr2 S24 : Adr2 S66
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "221 Adjust Date"
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 S25 : Adr2 S23 : Adr2 S67
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "212 Clock Format"
                   Adr2 S26 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S23 : Adr2 S68
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "222 Date Format"
         Adr2 S20 : Adr2 S40 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S31
         Adr2 Null
         Data "3 DataLogger"
             Adr2 Null : Adr2 S32 : Adr2 S30 : Adr2 S35
             Adr2 Null
             Data "31 Log Cycle"
             Adr2 S31 : Adr2 S33 : Adr2 S30 : Adr2 S36
             Adr2 Null
             Data "32 Delete Flash"
             Adr2 S32 : Adr2 S34 : Adr2 S30 : Adr2 S37
             Adr2 Null
             Data "33 Show LogCount"
             Adr2 S33 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S30 : Adr2 S38
             Adr2 Null
             Data "34 Print to RS232"
S35:                                                        'HH:MM
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S31 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Datalogger_setloginterval
                   Data ""
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S32 : Adr2 S76
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "321 RIGHT Delete DF"
S37:                                                        '1234
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S33 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Datalogger_logcount
                   Data ""
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S34 : Adr2 S78
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "341 RIGHT Print9600B"
        Adr2 S30 : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S41
        Adr2 Null
        Data "4 ADC"
           Adr2 Null : Adr2 S42 : Adr2 S40 : Adr2 S45
           Adr2 Null
           Data "41 Temperature"
           Adr2 S41 : Adr2 S43 : Adr2 S40 : Adr2 S46
           Adr2 Null
           Data "42 Voltage"
           Adr2 S42 : Adr2 S44 : Adr2 S40 : Adr2 S47
           Adr2 Null
           Data "43 ADC Port RAW"
           Adr2 S43 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S40 : Adr2 S48
           Adr2 Null
           Data "44 Battery"
S45:                                                        '+24°C
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S41 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Temperaturefunc
                   Data ""
S46:                                                        '0 mV
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S42 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Voltagefunc
                   Data ""
S47:                                                        'CH:RAW
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S43 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Adc_raw_func
                   Data ""
S48:                                                        '2900mV
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S44 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Adc_batt_func
                   Data ""
        Adr2 S40 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S51
        Adr2 Null
        Data "5 Options"

           Adr2 Null : Adr2 S52 : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 S56
           Adr2 Null
           Data "51 LCD contrast"
           Adr2 S51 : Adr2 S53 : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 S57
           Adr2 Null
           Data "52 Bootloader"

           Adr2 S52 : Adr2 S54 : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 S83
           Adr2 Null
           Data "53 LCD OFF"

           Adr2 S53 : Adr2 S55 : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 S58
           Adr2 Null
           Data "54 LCD Auto Power"

           Adr2 S54 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S50 : Adr2 S59
           Adr2 Null
           Data "55 Key Click"
S56:                                                        '0...15
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S51 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Setcontrast
                   Data ""
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S52 : Adr2 S87
                   Adr2 Null
                   Data "521 RIGHT bootloader"

S58:                                                        'OFF/5..90min
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S54 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Autopower
                   Data ""
S59:                                                        'ON/OFF
                   Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S55 : Adr2 Null
                   Adr2 Keyclick_set
                   Data ""
'Untermenüs zu State 25 bis 28
S65:                                                        'sub for "211 Adjust Clock"
                          Adr2 S67 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S23 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Setclock
                          Data ""
S66:                                                        'sub for "221 Adjust Date"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 S68 : Adr2 S24 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Setdate
                          Data ""
S67:                                                        'sub for "212 Clock Format"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 S65 : Adr2 S23 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Setclockformat
                          Data ""
S68:                                                        'sub for  "222 Date Format"
                          Adr2 S66 : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S24 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Setdateformat
                          Data ""
'Untermenüs zu State 36 und 38
S76:                                                        'sub for  "321 RIGHT Delete DF"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S36 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Datalogger_erase
                          Data ""
S78:                                                        'sub for  "341 RIGHT Print9600B"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S38 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Datalogger_rs232
                          Data ""
'Untermenü zu State 53 und 57
S83:                                                        'sub for  "53 LCD OFF"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S53 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Power_off_func
                          Data ""
S87:                                                        'sub for "521 RIGHT bootloader"
                          Adr2 Null : Adr2 Null : Adr2 S57 : Adr2 Null
                          Adr2 Bootfunc
                          Data ""

'********* LCD SUB routines ***************************************************
'Subroutine: Lcd_print
'Call from:  anywhere
'Purpose:    gibt Lcd_textbuffer auf dem LCD-Display aus
'Result:     LCD
Lcd_print:                                                  'Print lcd_textbuffer
    Lcd Lcd_textbuffer
    State_renew = 0

'********* SUB Clock routines**************************************************
  'Show the clock on the LCD
  Lcd_textbuffer = "HH:MM:SS"
  Gosub Lcd_print

  'Adjusts the Clock
  Lcd_textbuffer = "HH=11"
  Gosub Lcd_print

  'Adjusts the Clockformat (12H or 24H)
  Lcd_textbuffer = "12H / 24H"
  Gosub Lcd_print

'********* SUB date routines **************************************************
   'Show the date on the LCD
   Lcd_textbuffer = "DD.MM.YY"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Adjusts the Date
   Lcd_textbuffer = "Month=12"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Adjusts the Dateformat "DDMMYY" , "MMDDYY" , "YYMMDD"
   Lcd_textbuffer = "DDMMYY/YYMMDD"
   Gosub Lcd_print

'********* Datalogger routines ************************************************
   'set the datalog intervall HOUR:MINUTES
   Lcd_textbuffer = "HH:MM"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'erase the dataflash
  State = Loadlabel(s32)                                    'St_datalogger_erase
  Gosub Change_state_by_sub

  'Show DF_LogCount
   Lcd_textbuffer = "1234"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   'Print all DataLogs to RS232
   State = Loadlabel(s34)                                   'St_datalogger_rs232 as next status of state machine
   Gosub Change_state_by_sub

   'temperature measurement in °C
   Lcd_textbuffer = "+24C"
   Gosub Lcd_print

 'voltage measurement mV
   Lcd_textbuffer = "0mV"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'ADC Temperature/Voltage/Light result as RAW
   Lcd_textbuffer = "CH:RAW"
   Gosub Lcd_print

  'battery voltage measurement
   Lcd_textbuffer = "2900mV"
   Gosub Lcd_print

'********* Sub MENU / OPTIONS  ********************************
   'Adjust the LCD contrast
   Lcd_textbuffer = "0...15"
   Gosub Lcd_print

   State = Loadlabel(s10)                                   'St_avrbf as next status of state machine
   Gosub Change_state_by_sub

  State = Loadlabel(s53)                                    'Return  State is St_options_power_off
  Gosub Change_state_by_sub

   'Enable/Disable auto power save
   Lcd_textbuffer = "ON/OFF"
   Gosub Lcd_print

    'Enable/Disable keyclick
   Lcd_textbuffer = "ON/OFF"
   Gosub Lcd_print

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