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Balkonkraftwerk Speicher und Wechselrichter Tests und Tutorials


  • Bitte die Schrift im Bild ändern: "Mindestens 3 Satelliten sind notwendig", das ist nicht richtig, man braucht 4 Satelliten.

Zefram 15:46, 16. Dez 2005 (CET)

    • Das stimmt so nicht. 3 Satelliten reichen für die Ortsbestimmung, 4 nur wenn die Bodenhöhe ermittelt werden soll.

--Bernd 17:10, 16. Dez 2005 (CET)

      • Man braucht 4. Ich zitiere "This yields 3 hyperboloids of revolution of two sheets, whose intersection point gives the precise location of the receiver. This is why at least four satellites are needed: fewer than 4 satellites yield 2 hyperboloids, whose intersection is a curve; it is impossible to know where the receiver is located along the curve without supplemental information, such as elevation. If elevation information is already known, only signals from three satellites are needed (the point is then defined as the intersection of two hyperboloids and an ellipsoid representing the Earth at this altitude)." Zefram 08:35, 21. Dez 2005 (CET)

LiFePO4 Speicher Test